Viaduct construction with movable scaffolding system: distribution of the top slab weight
Journal Title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty - Year 2015, Vol 14, Issue 4
The construction of viaducts with Movable Scaffolding System (MSS) is a sophisticated. However, the construction sequence has a disadvantage of an insufficiently clear distribution of the top slab weight between the scaffolding and the first casting phase of the deck. In order to solve this problem designers assume that the whole weight of the top slab is supported by the scaffolding. In fact, if the whole weight is supposed to be resisted by the scaffolding, it implies that heavier, stiffer and more expensive scaffoldings must be chosen to construct a viaduct. If the distribution of the top slab weight between the scaffolding and the first casting phase is clarified, the scaffolding can be chosen to resist lower loads, so as to lighter and cheaper scaffoldings can be selected. Moreover, if the top slab weight distribution is clarified, the stresses both at the deck and at the scaffolding can be determined more accurately. The contribution of this paper consists in clarifying the weight distribution between the first casting phase and the scaffolding. In order to achieve this objective, it identifies a number of parameters and investigates the importance of the hanger stiffness, as well as the influence of the first casting phase and the scaffolding stiffness.
Authors and Affiliations
José Ramón Díaz de Terán, Vladimir Guilherme Haach
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