Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1


DETERMINATION OF THE POWER ACTION OF THE ALTERNATING CURRENT ON METAL IN THE POOL LADLE-FURNACE UNIT Krikent I.V. Abstract The work is devoted to theoretical research in the field of secondary steel processing. The expediency of using mathematical modeling for studying the processes taking place in the ladle-furnace units is noted. A mathematical model of the electromagnetic field in the pool of metallurgical aggregates is proposed, in which the heating of metal by electric arcs of alternating current is used. This model makes it possible to calculate the density of electromagnetic forces acting on a liquid metal in metallurgical aggregates. The results of calculating the magnitude of the electromagnetic forces of a metal melt arising during heating in a ladle with a capacity of 60 t on an alternating current ladle–furnace unit are presented. It was found that with the use of alternating current, the influence of electromagnetic forces on the secondary treatment process became less than with the use of direct current. The above illustrations show that in the ladle-furnace units of alternating current, considerable electromagnetic forces are observed only near the surface of the metal pool. It is shown that in the case of theoretical studies of metal mixing in aggregates of an alternating current ladle–furnace, electromagnetic forces can be attributed to insignificant factors. References [1] Piptjuk V.P., Poljakov V.F., Samohvalov S.E. e.a. Faktory vlijanija na parametry peremeshhivanija rasplava pri obrabotke na ustanovke kovsh-pech postojannogo toka [Factors influencing the parameters of melt fusion during processing on a DC ladle furnace unit]. Trudy 9 Mezhdunarodnogo Kongressa staleplavil'shhikov – TRANSMET 2010 [Proc. of the international Congress of Steel Makers – TRANSMET 2010]. 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Authors and Affiliations

І. В. Крикент


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  • EP ID EP297115
  • DOI 10.31319/2519-8106.1(38)2018.129037
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How To Cite

І. В. Крикент (2018). ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ СИЛОВОГО ВПЛИВУ ЗМІННОГО СТРУМУ НА МЕТАЛ У ВАННІ УСТАНОВКИ КІВШ-ПІЧ. Математичне моделювання, 1(1), 111-117. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-297115