Vocational Preferences of Young Polish Men and Women
Journal Title: Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi - Year 2016, Vol 113, Issue 6
The objective of this paper is the analysis of the vocational preferences of young Poles aged 20–24 (the period for entering the labor market) and 30–34 (the period of increased vocational activity). The study encompassed 8,125 young adult Poles, including 4,693 women and 3,432 men. The study was conducted by means of an original tool—the Vocational Potential Inventory (Ochnik, Rosmus, and Stala)—featuring five types of vocational preferences: Pro–Social, Leadership, Creative, Technical, and Methodical. Research results prove that women’s vocational preferences traversed beyond gender stereotypes. The preference for Creative and Technical types grew in line with age. Results depicting the significance of sex and age in shaping vocational preferences may contribute to the suppression of gender stereotypes.
Authors and Affiliations
Dominika Ochnik, Renata Rosmus
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Vocational Preferences of Young Polish Men and Women
The objective of this paper is the analysis of the vocational preferences of young Poles aged 20–24 (the period for entering the labor market) and 30–34 (the period of increased vocational activity). The study encompasse...
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