Вплив організаційної культури на рівень задоволеності працею персоналу освітніх організацій в умовах соціальної напруженості [Effects of organizational culture on teaching staff’s work satisfaction in conditions of social tension]


The article analyzes the results of the empirical study on the relationship between the levels of organizational culture and the levels of teaching staff’s work satisfaction in educational organizations in conditions of social tension. Teaching staff’s work satisfaction was found to be mainly at low level while its structure had certain problems. The investigation also found out the significant effects of organizational culture on teaching staff’s work satisfaction, especially on its following components: satisfaction with work achievements, satisfaction with relationship with the colleagues, satisfaction with relationship with the management and satisfaction with working conditions. The investigation findings proved the important role of management in developing organizational culture and strengthening its impact on teaching staff’s work performance and work satisfaction. The follow-up study may focus on the development of psychological technologies to increase teaching staff’s work satisfaction based on this study findings.

Authors and Affiliations

Oksana Kredentser


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How To Cite

Oksana Kredentser (2017). Вплив організаційної культури на рівень задоволеності працею персоналу освітніх організацій в умовах соціальної напруженості [Effects of organizational culture on teaching staff’s work satisfaction in conditions of social tension]. Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія, 9(2), 77-85. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-539273