Wzajemność w uczeniu się
Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2019, Vol 64, Issue 1
The paper aims to reconstruct the concept of mutuality as a moral value in learning and to recognise meanings assigned to it by students of pedagogy. Showing the phenomenon of learning from the perspective of didactic paradigms – transformative, interpretative-constructive, and objective – makes it possible to observe a variety of forms and motifs of reciprocation in learning and to distinguish its several types as mutuality: general, balanced, forced, and absent. An analysis of 71 short essays describing instances of mutuality experienced by students in learning enables recognition of moral meanings assigned to it. To specify them, the following concepts of gratitude are introduced: altruistic, loyalty-grounded, enslaved, and atrophied. It follows from the analysis that the experiencing of transmission-based education in Polish schools hampers or precludes building up mutuality in learning.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Groenwald
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