Z dziejów polsko-rosyjskich stosunków literackich (korespondencja Marii Dąbrowskiej i Jerzego Stempowskiego)
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 0
The study of the history of Polish-Russian relations is possible thanks to documents preservedin Warsaw archives, publications in periodicals, memoirs and epistolatory culture. A three-volumeedition of the correspondence of Jerzy Stempowski and Maria Dąbrowska from the years 1926–1965is a full source reconstruction. This correspondence has preserved not only the biographical factsof the private life of both writers, but also a wide social and historical context. Jerzy Stempowski,son of Stanisław Stempowski and author of the novel The Adventures of a Thinking Man was thelong-term life partner of Maria Dąbrowska in the Forties, and the two also became intellectual partners. An acquaintance with their correspondence allows us to better recognize their place inPolish-Russian relations in the interwar and post-war periods, and the history of Russian emigrationin Poland.
Authors and Affiliations
Iwona Anna Ndiaye
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