Z dziejów polsko-rosyjskich stosunków literackich (korespondencja Marii Dąbrowskiej i Jerzego Stempowskiego)
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 0
The study of the history of Polish-Russian relations is possible thanks to documents preservedin Warsaw archives, publications in periodicals, memoirs and epistolatory culture. A three-volumeedition of the correspondence of Jerzy Stempowski and Maria Dąbrowska from the years 1926–1965is a full source reconstruction. This correspondence has preserved not only the biographical factsof the private life of both writers, but also a wide social and historical context. Jerzy Stempowski,son of Stanisław Stempowski and author of the novel The Adventures of a Thinking Man was thelong-term life partner of Maria Dąbrowska in the Forties, and the two also became intellectual partners. An acquaintance with their correspondence allows us to better recognize their place inPolish-Russian relations in the interwar and post-war periods, and the history of Russian emigrationin Poland.
Authors and Affiliations
Iwona Anna Ndiaye
Świat poezji Ełły Krylowej
Ella Krylova belongs to the generation of Russian poets whose creative path started almost simultaneously with the birth of new Russia. Today she is the author of over ten poetry collections, she regularly publishes her...
Flora w mikrotoponimii powiatu sokolskiego
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Цветовые прилагательные в художественных текстах С. А. Пушкин : (багряный - багровый - пурпурный)
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