In 1971, upon the initiative of the United Polish Workers’ Party – the ruling force in the period of the Polish People’s Republic – there was established secondary technical school designed for leading workers. The Resol...
Numerous examples of research in the field of pedagogics which are using critical approach to discourse analysis show the diversity in theoretical background and methodology. An example of a group of critical approaches...
Sprawozdanie i fotorelacja z seminarium naukowego „Oświata dorosłych. Inspiracje i wyzwania” z okazji jubileuszu 85. urodzin, 60-lecia pracy naukowej oraz 20-lecia pracy w Akademii Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej w Łodzi prof. dr hab. Olgi Czerniawskiej
Secondary technical school for leading workers in the Polish vocational education system (1971–1982)
In 1971, upon the initiative of the United Polish Workers’ Party – the ruling force in the period of the Polish People’s Republic – there was established secondary technical school designed for leading workers. The Resol...
Małgorzata Olejarz, Emilia Paprzycka, Sylwia Słowińska (red.), „Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów”, t. 16, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra 2015, ss. 402.
Wojciech Solarz, Andrzej Sowa (red.), Zofia Solarzowa – życie spełnione. Pisma społeczne i literackie, Stowarzyszenie „Promni”, Warszawa 2015, ss. 428
Critical Discourse Analysis – Basic Assumptions, Implications, Application
Numerous examples of research in the field of pedagogics which are using critical approach to discourse analysis show the diversity in theoretical background and methodology. An example of a group of critical approaches...