Studying weaponry craftsmanship in mediaeval and the beginning of Modern Times
belongs to a very difficult tasks. The literature reveals lack of elaborations treating about
armory production in craftsmen workshops oper...
The article presents the results of initial anthropological analysis of bone remnants
excavated during archaeological studies conducted in Wały gen. Sikorskiego st. in Toruń
in the years 2005–2006. The material consist...
In the Middle Ages and Modern Times the area of site 114 was a part of the biggest
Torunian Chełmińskie suburb, being crafts and economic back-up of the city. It housed,
among others, slaughters, stalls, St. Laurence c...
Toruński przytułek św. Wawrzyńca w świetle źródeł archeologicznych na tle średniowiecznego szpitalnictwa europejskiego
Weaponry craftsmanship in Toruń in the Middle Ages and in the verge of Modern Times
Studying weaponry craftsmanship in mediaeval and the beginning of Modern Times belongs to a very difficult tasks. The literature reveals lack of elaborations treating about armory production in craftsmen workshops oper...
Anthropological analysis of human remains excavated from Wały gen. Sikorskiego st. in Toruń
The article presents the results of initial anthropological analysis of bone remnants excavated during archaeological studies conducted in Wały gen. Sikorskiego st. in Toruń in the years 2005–2006. The material consist...
Przeobrażenia rzeźby i powierzchniowej budowy geologicznej dzielnicy Torunia – Mokre (Przedmieście Mokre) w czasach historycznych
Chełmińskie suburb in the light of archaeological studies
In the Middle Ages and Modern Times the area of site 114 was a part of the biggest Torunian Chełmińskie suburb, being crafts and economic back-up of the city. It housed, among others, slaughters, stalls, St. Laurence c...