Zakon krzyżacki i jego państwo w przeddzień Hołdu Pruskiego z 1525 r. Stan i przemiany
Journal Title: Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica - Year 2016, Vol 23, Issue 23
The Polish-Teutonic conflict in the years 1454–1466 influenced in every way the State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia. Changes were related to methods of management of the economy and finance in the State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia that was considerably smaller after the second Peace of Thorn. Starting from the 80s 15th c. and ending with the first decade of the next century, Great Masters tried to change this situation or adapt to the needs of the state which was being transformed into the decentralized and secular one. The actions of the Great Masters led to remodeling the corporation by the restoration of internal order on the basis of the Rules of Teutonic Order and previous corporate governance of the religious type (as the one by The Thirteen Years’ War). However, the activities of the last two Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order in Prussia were focused on the reform and strengthening the state as an entity more territorial and feudal than corporate. In the years 1480–1500, a new policy was introduced which aimed at conversion of the State of the Teutonic Order and its economy from corporate entity in the secular state
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Gancewski
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