The authors present a rare case of the primary multiple planoepithelial laryngeal cancer and clarocellular renal cancer in a patient operated in the Clinic. The patient, called F.J., was admitted to the Clinic of Otolary...
SUMMARY Introduction: Tumors of the orbit are diagnosed sporadically. Based on the tumor registry of the American Cancer Society the incidence of tumors of the orbit is assessed at fewer than 1 per 100 000 persons. Tumor...
Treatment of the advanced form of rhinophyma causing severe nasal deformity and nasal breathing impairment is reserved mainly for surgical methods. Laser techniques among them play particular role. The aim of the study w...
Introduction: The aim of the study was to indicate independent prognostic factors of treatment in group of patients with advanced cancer of the larynx. Material and method: The paper presents results of univariate and mu...
Introduction: Among the malignant tumors found within the parotid gland, the primary tumors, as well as a metastatic tumors may be found. Aim: Epidemiological and clinical characteristic, and preliminary assessment of tr...
Rzadki przypadek pierwotnego mnogiego raka płaskonabłonkowego krtani i jasnokomórkowego nerki
The authors present a rare case of the primary multiple planoepithelial laryngeal cancer and clarocellular renal cancer in a patient operated in the Clinic. The patient, called F.J., was admitted to the Clinic of Otolary...
Orbital tumors in material of Department of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncological Laryngology of Greater Poland Cancer Center 2007-2010
SUMMARY Introduction: Tumors of the orbit are diagnosed sporadically. Based on the tumor registry of the American Cancer Society the incidence of tumors of the orbit is assessed at fewer than 1 per 100 000 persons. Tumor...
CO2 laser treatment of rhinophyma
Treatment of the advanced form of rhinophyma causing severe nasal deformity and nasal breathing impairment is reserved mainly for surgical methods. Laser techniques among them play particular role. The aim of the study w...
Wpływ wybranych czynników kliniczno-morfologicznych na wyniki leczenia chorych z zawansowanym rakiem krtani
Introduction: The aim of the study was to indicate independent prognostic factors of treatment in group of patients with advanced cancer of the larynx. Material and method: The paper presents results of univariate and mu...
Metastases to the parotid gland and parotid region
Introduction: Among the malignant tumors found within the parotid gland, the primary tumors, as well as a metastatic tumors may be found. Aim: Epidemiological and clinical characteristic, and preliminary assessment of tr...