Зміст та структура тренінгу розвитку толерантності персоналу закладів освіти в умовах соціальної напруженості [The content and structure of educational institution staff's tolerance development training in conditions of social tension]


The article discusses the content and structure of the training "Educational institution staff's tolerance development". The training consists of an introduction, main body and debriefing. The main body includes four training sessions: "The content and structure of the individual tolerance", "The concept of teaching staff's tolerance development in conditions of social tension", "Determinants of teaching staff's tolerance development at organizational level", and "Determinants of teaching staff's tolerance development at personal level in the organization". According to the technological approach the training sessions consist of the content-conceptual, diagnostic and correctional-developmental components that use the following work forms and techniques: incomplete sentences, mini-lectures, group discussions, brainstorming, icebreakers, diagnostic techniques, case analyses, small group work and projects. The training is seen as a kind of psychological support for educational institutions in conditions of social tension.

Authors and Affiliations

Kira Tereshchenko


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How To Cite

Kira Tereshchenko (2017). Зміст та структура тренінгу розвитку толерантності персоналу закладів освіти в умовах соціальної напруженості [The content and structure of educational institution staff's tolerance development training in conditions of social tension]. Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія, 8(1), 65-75. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-541397