Zwei polonistische ‚Cicerone‘ durch die polnische Stilistik: Anmerkungen aus germanistischer Perspektive
Journal Title: Studia Germanica Gedanensia - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 35
This article presents two publications in the area of Polish stylistics, which are considered representative of this field of study and embracing the latest developmental tendencies: Przewodnik po stylistyce polskiej [A Guide to Polish Stylistics, 1995, ed. Stanisław Gajda], and Przewodnik po stylistyce polskiej. Style współczesnej polszczyzny [A Guide to Polish Stylistics. Styles in the Contemporary Polish Language, 2013, ed. Ewa Malinowska, Jolanta Nocoń and Urszula Żydek‑Bednarczuk]. This works shows the development and the specific features of the Polish language stylistic research, as well as the most important qualities of the aforementioned publications. In the final part of their article, the Authors make an attempt to shed light on the phenomena, problems and directions presented in both publications in the perspective of the German language linguistics studies.
Authors and Affiliations
Zofia Bilut‑Homplewicz, Anna Hanus
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