Obsessive Compulsive Phenomenon: Measurement of Normal Obsessions in a Non-Clinical Female Population Journal title: INDIAN JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH Authors: Pragya Lodha, Deepika Bhandari Subject(s):
CHARACTER EDUCATION OF CHILDREN'S PERSPECTIVE IBN QAYYIM AL-JAWZIYYAH (691 H - 752 H) Journal title: International Journal on Language, Research and Education Studies (IJLRES) Authors: Makmudi Makmudi Subject(s):
Hereditary and familial diseases and malformations of kidneys in childhood Journal title: Здоров`я дитини Authors: T.V. Sorokman, V.G. Ostapchuk, O.V. Makarova Subject(s):
Analiza fizykochemiczna kwiatów i owoców tarniny – krzewu, od którego pochodzi nazwa miasta Tarnowa Journal title: Science, Technology and Innovation Authors: Małgorzata Martowicz, Magdalena Kosiba Subject(s):
SIMULASI SISTEM ANTRIAN DENGAN METODE MULTIPLE CHANNEL SINGLE PHASE Journal title: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Authors: Jaka Dian Ramadhan, Fahrul Agus, Indah Fitri Astuti Subject(s):
What does the Data of 354,725 Patients from Turkey Tell Us About Cervical Smear Epithelial Cell Abnormalities? - The Epithelial Cell Abnormality Rate is Increasing - Quality Control Studies and Corrective Activity are Musts Journal title: Turkish Journal of Pathology Authors: İlknur ÇETİNASLAN TÜRKMEN, Alp USUBÜTÜN, Aslı ÇAKIR, Özlem AYDIN, Filiz AKA BOLAT, Metin AKBULUT, Se... Subject(s):
Епістолярна спадщина П. Я. Стебницького як джерело з історії громадського життя України кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. / Epistolary heritage of P. Y. Stebnytskyi assource of history of public life in Ukraine in the late XIX and early XX century. Journal title: Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica Authors: Інна / I. Демуз / Demuz Subject(s):
A GENERAL EVALUATION OF GEORGE GERBNER'S "AGAINST MEDIA" Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Gülsüm ŞİMŞEK Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
SOCIETY AND CITY ACCORDİNG TO IBN KHALDUN Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Ferhat ATEŞ Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
Біографічні нариси у друкованому доробку І. Л. Липи. / Biographical essays in I. Lypa`s printed legacy. Journal title: Українська біографістика = Biographistica Ukrainica Authors: Ігор / Ihor Стамбол / Stambol Subject(s):
Production of nanostructured instrumental materials based on cubic boron nitride Journal title: Вісник Житомирського державного технологічного університету. Серія: Технічні науки Authors: P.O. Vitiaz, V.T. Senyut, M.L. Kheifetz, A.M. Moskalenko, V.V. Zakorzhevsky Subject(s):
Family Ownership, Earnings Informativeness, and Role of Audit Committees: An Empirical Investigation in India Journal title: Review of Economics & Finance Authors: Prasanna Krishna, Ramanathan Geeta, Arora Bharat Subject(s):
Neonatal Stridor in Familial Congenital Laryngeal Paralysis (Plott Syndrome): A Case Study in an Omani Family Journal title: Oman Medical Journal Authors: Emad Sadek Shatla, Gowda Parameshwara Prashanth, Rodney Aguiar, Ganji Shivalingam, Adeel Ahmed Al Ha... Subject(s):
Solitary Median Maxillary Central Incisor Syndrome: An esthetic solution in a child Journal title: Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions Authors: Rafael de Lima Pedro, Erika Calvano Kchler, Laura Guimarães Primo, Marcelo de Castro Costa Subject(s):
Obstructed Hemivagina and Ipsilateral Renal Anomaly (OHVIRA) Syndrome Journal title: Oman Medical Journal Authors: Aziza Al Ghafri, Alaeddin Fida, Abdulaziz Al-Gharras Subject(s):