Analysis of crack and strain states of high performance reinforced fiber concrete beams Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Tomasz Trzepieciński Subject(s):
Anizotropowe właściwości tarciowe blach stalowych karoseryjnych Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Tomasz Trzepieciński Subject(s):
Stany zarysowania i odkształcenia belek żelbetowych z betonu wysokowartościowego z dodatkiem włókien Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Piotr Smarzewski Subject(s):
Analysis of crack and deflection states of high performance reinforced fiber concrete deep beams with openings Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Piotr Smarzewski Subject(s):
Stany zarysowania i ugięcia tarcz żelbetowych z otworami z fibrobetonu wysokowartościowego Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Piotr Smarzewski Subject(s):
Experimental analysis of stiffness of pre-tensioned concrete bridge beams Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Juliusz Cieśla, Mirosław Biskup, Marian Skawiński Subject(s):
Evaluation of technical condition of concrete covers of cable manhole used in roads Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Zbigniew Czagowiec, Michał Glinicki, Piotr Kowalski Subject(s):
Dynamic analysis of interaction between wheel and cover of precast concrete manhole Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Lesław Kwaśniewski Subject(s):
Overloading coefficients of cantilever span support Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Czesław Machelski, Robert Toczkiewicz Subject(s):
Reinforced concrete viaduct from beginning of the 20th century – microstructure analysis of 100 years old concrete Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Daria Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka, Zbigniew Tucholski Subject(s):
Application of machine learning to determine properties of concretes modified with addition of coal ash Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Maria Marks Subject(s):
Properties of concrete with slag-limestone cement Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Mariusz Dąbrowski, Jan Małolepszy Subject(s):
Properties of concrete impregnated using epoxy composition Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Marzena Kurpinska Subject(s):
Laboratory research and full scale testing of high modulus asphalt concrete in road pavement Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Dariusz Sybilski, Wojciech Bańkowski Subject(s):
Application of the maturity concept for assesment of development of compressive strength of concrete Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Jan Jonasson, Arne Retelius Subject(s):