Impact of exogenous and endogenous environmental factors on non-carious lesion formation Journal title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) Authors: Anna Prymas, Janina Stopa Subject(s):
25 LAT PO KOMUNIZMIE W EUROPIE: ZJAWISKA, PROBLEMY I TEORETYCZNE WYJAŚNIENIA: From “Solidarity” to precarious work. Transformation of the Labour Market in Poland 1989–2014 Journal title: Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica Authors: Tadeusz Sznajderski Subject(s): Mathematics, Philosophy, Mechanics, Sociology, Information Science & Library Science, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Medicine, General & Internal, Humanities, Multidisciplinary, Cultural Studies, Literary Theory & Criticism, Education & Educational Research, Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Physics, Multidisciplinary, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Construction & Building Technology, Geochemistry & Geophysics, Agriculture, Multidisciplinary, Forestry
25 YEARS AFTER THE COMMUNISM IN EUROPE: PHENOMENA, PROBLEMS AND TEORETICAL EXPLANATION: From “Solidarity” to precarious work. Transformation of the Labour Market in Poland 1989–2014 Journal title: Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica Authors: Tadeusz Sznajderski Subject(s): Mathematics, Philosophy, Mechanics, Sociology, Information Science & Library Science, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Medicine, General & Internal, Humanities, Multidisciplinary, Cultural Studies, Literary Theory & Criticism, Education & Educational Research, Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Physics, Multidisciplinary, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Construction & Building Technology, Geochemistry & Geophysics, Agriculture, Multidisciplinary, Forestry
Narażenie na czynniki wywołujące ubytki pochodzenia niepróchnicowego – badania ankietowe studentów Journal title: Dental and Medical Problems Authors: Joanna Chłapowska, Tamara Pawlaczyk-Kamieńska, Maria Borysewicz-Lewicka Subject(s):
Sensitivity Analysis and Error Analysis of Reflectance Based Vicarious Calibration with Estimated Aerosol Refractive Index and Size Distribution Derived from Measured Solar Direct and Diffuse Irradiance as well as Measured Surface Reflectance Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence(IJARAI) Authors: Kohei Arai Subject(s):
The Main Trends of Employment in the Context of Globalization Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Oleksandr Gaidar Subject(s):
Vicarious Calibration Data Screening Method Based on Variance of Surface Reflectance and Atmospheric Optical Depth Together with Cross Calibration Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence(IJARAI) Authors: Kohei Arai Subject(s):
Contribution to the study of the prevalence,distinguished diagnosis and etiologic factors of the not carious cervical injuries Journal title: RSBO Authors: Luana LIMA, Henrique HUMEREZ FILHO, Maria LOPES Subject(s): Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
Vicarious Calibration Based Cross Calibration of Solar Reflective Channels of Radiometers Onboard Remote Sensing Satellite and Evaluation of Cross Calibration Accuracy through Band-to-Band Data Comparisons Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Kohei Arai Subject(s):
Precarious Work as a Way for the Population Survival in Under-Developed Countries Journal title: Проблеми економіки Authors: Nadiya Azmuk Subject(s):
Clinical analysis of patients with non-carious cervical lesions and its relation to habits Journal title: RSBO Authors: Ana OLIVEIRA, Nicole DAMASCENA, Cristiane SOUZA Subject(s): Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
Experimental Approach of Reflectance Based Vicarious Calibration Method for Solar Reflectance Wavelength Region of Sensor Onboard Remote Sensing Satellites Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence(IJARAI) Authors: Kohei Arai Subject(s):
Déconstruction, auto-immunité, précarité. De l’intraduisible politique chez Derrida Journal title: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy Authors: Ciprian Mihali Subject(s):
Deconstruction, Self-immunity, Precariousness: On Political Untranslatable in Derrida Journal title: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy Authors: Ciprian Mihali Subject(s):