Safety and toxicity of biosimilars—EU versus US regulation Journal title: Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal Authors: Tobias Blank, Tilo Netzer, Wolfram Hildebrandt, Angela Vogt-Eisele, Marietta Kaszkin-Bettag Subject(s):
Promoting access to biosimilars: a public−private partnership model for biosimilar development in underserved populations Journal title: Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal Authors: Timothy Ken Mackey, Bryan A Liang Subject(s):
Pharmacovigilance of biosimilars: challenges and possible solutions Journal title: Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal Authors: Thijs J Giezen, Sabine MJM Straus Subject(s):
Study of stability of experimental living vaccine against animal anthrax with strаin UA–07 “Antravak” (18 months after production) Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: I. A. Rublenko, V. G. Skripnik Subject(s):
Study of pаthogenic and immunogenic properties of E. coli IBM-1 strains in the development of new immunogenic drugs Journal title: Біологія тварин Authors: T. B. Vasilyeva, H. A. Zaviriukha Subject(s):
The use of electric current – Iontophoresis for transcutaneous drug delivery – Novel drug delivery system (NDDS) Journal title: International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics (IJRPP) Authors: Mohammad Younis Bhat Subject(s):
EXPLORATION OF MUCIN PROTEIN FROM MACROCHLYMUS INDICA AND DETERMINED ITS IMMUNOGENICITY STUDIES Journal title: International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive Authors: Shweta P Karne Subject(s):
EXPLORATION OF MUCIN PROTEIN FROM MACROCHLYMUS INDICA AND DETERMINED ITS IMMUNOGENICITY STUDIES Journal title: Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Shweta P Karne Subject(s):
The immunogenicity and safety of the new, Indonesian DTwP-HB-Hib vaccine compared to the DTwP/HB vaccine given with the Hib vaccine Journal title: Paediatrica Indonesiana Authors: Novilia Bachtiar, Kusnandi Rusmil, Sunarjati Sudigdoadi, Cissy Kartasasmita, Hadyana Hadyana Subject(s):
Przetwarzanie żywności a alergia pokarmowa Journal title: Alergia Authors: Natalia Ukleja-Sokołowska, Zbigniew Bartuzi Subject(s): Allergy
VERSATILITY OF HUMAN AMNIOTIC MEMBRANE IN ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Shrikant Chakrawarti, Jitender Kumar Aurora, Ravinder Singh Bedi, Shiva Mani, Amartya PrakashSrivast... Subject(s):
Analysis of the Tests for New Life Extending Cancer Drugs Journal title: Journal of Practical Biochemistry and Biophysics Authors: Sachin C. Narwadiya Subject(s):
A study of anti-HBS titers following pentavalent immunization (DTWP-HBV-HIB) in term normal weight vs low birthweight infants Journal title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal Authors: Mani Shankar, Ashok Kumar, Hari Shankar Mishra Subject(s):
Effect of levamisole administration on immunogenic and protective capacity of Brucella abortus RB51 Journal title: National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology Authors: Ahmed M A Mansour Subject(s):
High Yield Expression and Modified Purification of Novel Recombinant Truncated Protein FimH.MrpH against Urinary Tract Infections by Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Zakaria Bameri, Mohammad Reza Asadi karam, Mana Oloomi, Anis Jafari, Parastoo Ehsani, Shahram Sharak... Subject(s):