TEXTBOOKS FOR INITIAL READING AND WRITING FOR STUDENTS WITH MILD INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY INCLUDED IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Journal title: Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation Authors: Slavica TODOROVA| SPS “Idnina” Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Subject(s): Medicine, Psychology, Pediatrics
PRAGMATIC ABILITIES OF PUPILS WITH MILD INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES Journal title: Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation Authors: Mateja SHILC| Elementary school Gustava Shiliha, Maribor, Slovenia, Majda SHMIDT| Faculty of Educati... Subject(s): Medicine, Psychology, Pediatrics
GUIDED EMPLOYMENT – RIGHTS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES Journal title: Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation Authors: Erna ZHGUR| University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Ljubljana, Slovenia Subject(s): Medicine, Psychology, Pediatrics
Evaluation of Final Product Integrated with Intelligent Systems in Architectural Education Studios Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design Authors: H. Derya ARSLAN| Asst. Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan University, Architecture Department, Meram, Konya... Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Efficacy of Zonisamide – Levetiracetam Comedication in Nine Adult Patients with Difficult to Treat Epilepsy and Intellectual Disability (A Case Series Report) Journal title: Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (MJMS) Authors: Peter Martin | Séguin Clinic for Persons with Severe Intellectual Disability, Epilepsy Centre Kork,... Subject(s): Epidemiology, Physiology
Shared secrets: Web 2.0 and research in Social Sciences Journal title: ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies Authors: Sandra MARTORELL| Researcher PhD, Polytechnic University of Valencia, SPAIN, Fernando CANET| Associa... Subject(s): Social Sciences, Cultural Economics, Economic Systems
Is secrecy a barrier for intelligence studies? Journal title: ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies Authors: Franck BULINGE| Professeur en Management de l’Information et de la Communication, I3M, Institut supé... Subject(s): Social Sciences, Cultural Economics, Economic Systems
Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence and Sense of Self-efficacy Beliefs: A study on Second Cycle Public Primary School EFL Teachers in Bahir Dar Town, Ethiopia Journal title: STAR Journal Authors: Girma Wossenie| Department of English Language and Literature, Bahir Dar University, Post Box No: 79... Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Technological Change
Integrating The IC Concept Into Strategies For The Development Of Regional Network Systems Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Maria Nowicka| Skowron, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland, I.C. Dima, (coresponding autho... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science
RISK ELEMENTS IN COMMUNICATING THE MANAGERIAL DECISIONS Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Ioan Constantin Dima| University Valahia Targoviste, Romania, Ştefan Vlăduţescu| University of Craio... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science
A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ON EVALUATING SWOT ANALYSIS AS THE MEDIATOR IN STRATEGIC MARKETING PLANNING THROUGH MARKETING INTELLIGENCE Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Arslan Ayub| (Corresponding Author ) Iqra University Islamabad, Pakistan (44000) MS Scholar +92 32... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science
LEARNING STYLES AS A PREDICTOR OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AMONG SAMPLE OF JORDANIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Ahmad M. Mahasneh| Department of educational psychology Faculty of Educational Science Hashemite Uni... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science
INTANGIBLE ASSETS AND STOCK PRICES OF JORDANIAN COMPANIES: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Dr. Abdelwahab Salameh Al Matarneh| Assistant Professor, Accounting Department. Zarqa University – J... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science
APPLIED INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTING IN JORDANIAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Dr. Ali Mustafa Magablih| Email: Alimagablih@yahoo.com Irbid National University Irbid - Jordan Subject(s): Economics, Management Science
EXTRACTING KNOWLEDGE FROM DATA: FROM BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE TO BIG DATA ANALYTICS Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Giuseppe Pirlo| Università degli Studi di Bari, via Orabona 4, 70125, Donato Impedovo,| Politecnico... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science