DESIGN AND SIZING OF A HYDROCARBON VAPOUR RECOVERY UNIT AT PETROLEUM DEPOTS Journal title: Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries Authors: Theodore Tchotang, Lucien Meva’a, Paul Victor Jatta Subject(s):
Comparative Evaluation of Preloading and Coloading of Crystalloids to Prevent Spinal Induced Hypotension in Caesarean Section Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research Authors: Parul Jain, Deepali Valecha Subject(s):
SHOCK LOADING – UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF EXTREME MARKET FORCES Journal title: Polish Journal of Management Studies Authors: Tamas Koplyay, Mario Malouin, Hilda Hurta, Abdelkader Jazouli Subject(s):
Bone tissue loads around titanium femoral implant and coated with porous layer Journal title: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Authors: G. Bobik, J. Żmudzki, K. Majewska Subject(s): Engineering
COGNITIVE LOADING DUE TO SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING, COMPLEX QUESTIONS AND TASKS IN THE ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Ephraim Zulu, Theodore Haupt, Vittorio Tramontin Subject(s):
Tax Stimulation of Attracting a Foreign Investments in Economy of Ukraine in the Conditions of Financial Instability Journal title: Економічний часопис Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки Authors: Olena Ivashko, Iryna Tsymbaliuk Subject(s):
EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF CHARACTERISTICS OF CRACK-RESISTANCE OF DISPERSE-STRENGTHENED COMPOSITES BASED ON NON-SATUTATED POLYESTERS Journal title: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research & Developments (JMERD) Authors: Alena Y. Ershova, Elena L. Kuznetsova, Mikhail I. Martirosov1, Lev N. Rabinskiy Subject(s):
Analisis Perbandinganmodul Jembatan Gelagar Idan Gelagar Box Baja Sebagai Fungsi Jembatan Jalan Raya Journal title: International Journal of Business and Management Invention Authors: Cahya Witriyatna, DwiAgus Purnomo, Agung Barokah W, Mira Marindaa Subject(s):
Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis of Guyed Towers to Wind Loading Journal title: IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) Authors: Ayman M. Ismail, Sherif H. M. Hassnien Subject(s):
Determination of Drag Coefficient for Hyundai Model Using the Strain Gauge Method Journal title: IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) Authors: Abdessamed Kacem, Ali Najim Abdullah Subject(s):
INFLUENCE OF TRANSVERSE HOLE ON FLEXURAL STRENGTH OF RC BEAM Journal title: International Journal of Civil Engineering Authors: Boorla Tharun, Sreenu Ramavath Subject(s):
Directed loading of the high-speed screw conveyor from the bunker Journal title: Вісник Тернопільського національного технічного університету Authors: Roman Rogatynskyi, Taras Peleshok, Olena Rogatynska, Pavlo Les’kiv Subject(s):
BEARING CAPACITY OF STEEL-CONCRETE BENT ELEMENTS REINFORCED WITH ADDITIONAL UNSTRAINED ARMATURE AT DIFFERENT LEVELS OF STRAINED STATE Journal title: Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія "Теорія та практика будівництва" Authors: V Barabash, Andrii Kramarchuk, Borys Ilnytskyy Subject(s):
Аnthropogenic transformation of landscapes Journal title: Екологічні науки Authors: В.В. Пласкальний Subject(s):
Analisis Perbandinganmodul Jembatan Rangka Batangdan Gelagar Bajavsebagai Fungsi Replacementjembatan Calender Hamilton Journal title: International Journal of Business and Management Invention Authors: Cahya Witriyatna, Agung Barokah W, Dwi Agus Purnomo, Suci P Primadiyanti Subject(s):