Determination of antagonistic activity of extracts of medicinal plants on oral bacteria Journal title: Problems of Environmental Biotechnology Authors: Y. V. Borysenko, M. M. Baranovskyi Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Ecology
CorrelatioN of well-beiNg witH resilieNCe aND age Journal title: Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century Authors: Guna Svence, Maris Majors Subject(s): Psychology
THE EFFECT OF THE ADMINISTRATION SETTINGS OF PSYCHOMETRIC TESTS ON SELF-REPORTED SYMPTOM REDUCTION Journal title: Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century Authors: Lediona Braho, Blerta Bodinaku, Dan Pokorny Subject(s): Psychology
SOME FEATURES OF EDUCATION MONITORING Journal title: Problems of Management in the 21st Century Authors: Vincentas Lamanauskas Subject(s): Management Science
MANAGEMENT OF SELF-DEFENSE OF THE MUNICIPALITIES – PREPARATION FOR THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS AT DISASTERS Journal title: Problems of Management in the 21st Century Authors: Marianna Dobó Subject(s): Management Science
LEARNING POINTS FROM WHISTLEBLOWER CLAIMS AGAINST INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION Journal title: Problems of Management in the 21st Century Authors: Christopher R. Schmidt Subject(s): Management Science
STATE LEVEL MECHANISMS FOR LEARNING FROM WHISTLEBLOWING CASES AT INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES Journal title: Problems of Management in the 21st Century Authors: Christopher R. Schmidt Subject(s): Management Science
MICROEMULSIFYING DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM-NEW ERA OF DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM Journal title: Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology Authors: Debjit Bhowmik,Harish G, S.Duraivel, Aravind.G, KP Sampath Kumar Subject(s): Biotechnology, Pharmacy
FORMULATION AND IN-VITRO EVALUATION OF TERBUTALINE SULPHATE SUSTAINED RELEASE TABLETS Journal title: Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology Authors: Rajeswari Kola, Deepa Ramani N, Pragati Kumar B Subject(s): Biotechnology, Pharmacy
Assessment of quality of life in patients with DM in diabetic inpatient department of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Bangalore Journal title: Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology Authors: Laya Vahdati Rad Subject(s): Biotechnology, Pharmacy
Ferramenta de Avaliação de Marketing Sensorial para Micro e Pequenas Empresas de varejo Journal title: International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Management (IJKEM) Authors: Thaís de Carvalho Larcher Pinto, Cristian Caê Seemann Stassun Subject(s): Engineering, Management Science
CURRÍCULO E GESTÃO CURRICULAR: UMA REFLEXÃO INICIAL Journal title: Revista Espaço do Currículo Authors: João Manuel Will, José Augusto Pacheco Subject(s): Education, Curriculum Studies
PENSAR O CURRÍCULO DA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR DA PERSPECTIVA DA EQUIDADE E TRANSVERSALIDADE DE GÊNERO E DO EMPODERAMENTO DAS MULHERES: UMA BREVE INTRODUÇÃO Journal title: Revista Espaço do Currículo Authors: Maria Eulina Pessoa de Carvalho, Glória Rabay, Adenilda Bertoldo Alves de Morais Subject(s): Education, Curriculum Studies
POLÍTICAS DE CURRÍCULO E FORMAÇÃO EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO E GESTÃO EDUCACIONAL: desafios e dilemas atuais Journal title: Revista Espaço do Currículo Authors: Virgínio Sá, Guilherme Silva Subject(s): Education, Curriculum Studies
FORMAÇÃO E INVESTIGAÇÃO EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO EDUCACIONAL EM PORTUGAL Journal title: Revista Espaço do Currículo Authors: Licínio C. Lima, Leonor L. Torres Subject(s): Education, Curriculum Studies