Chłonkotok jako wczesne powikłanie po operacji odbarczenia korzeni nerwów rdzeniowych C 5 i C 6 przez przecięcie mięśnia pochyłego przedniego. Skuteczne leczenie przy użyciu techniki VATS poprzedzone próbą terapii zachowawczej. Journal title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja Authors: Rafał Tkacz, Małgorzata Wojtyś, Konrad Wasilewski, Janusz Wójcik, Jacek Markuszewski, Dariusz Lary... Subject(s):
Lymphorrhoea as an Early Complication after Decompression of C 5 and C 6 Roots Through Scalenotomy. Successful Treatment with VATS Preceded by Conservative Treatment. Journal title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja Authors: Rafał Tkacz, Małgorzata Wojtyś, Konrad Wasilewski, Janusz Wójcik, Jacek Markuszewski, Dariusz Lary... Subject(s):
Badania nad „Krzywą Spee“ Journal title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) Authors: Hans Bimler, Barbara Bimler [Ed.] Subject(s):
Studies on the „Curve of SPEE“ Journal title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) Authors: Hans Bimler, Barbara Bimler [Ed.] Subject(s):
“Green Corridors” concept as an inspiration for spatial management in Poland Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Maciej Nowak Subject(s): Management
Koncepcja „zielonych korytarzy” jako inspiracja dla zarządzania przestrzenią w Polsce Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Maciej Nowak Subject(s): Management
Chronic fatigue syndrome after neuroborreliosis in farmers from Lublin region (Poland) Journal title: Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research Authors: Katarzyna Gustaw, Marta Makara-Studzińska Subject(s):
Adaptation factors of Borrelia for host and vector. Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Bogumila Skotarczak Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Detectability of tick-borne agents DNA in the blood of dogs, undergoing treatment for borreliosis. Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Beata Wodecka, Anna Rymaszewska, Marek Sawczuk, Bogumiła Skotarczak Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Contact allergy to nickel: patch test score correlates with IL-5, but not with IFN-gamma nickel-specific secretion by peripheral blood lymphocytes. Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Ewa Czarnobilska, Bartosz Jenner, Jolanta Kaszuba-Zwoinska, Maria Kapusta, Krystyna Obtułowicz, Piot... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Occurrence of cases of borreliosis certified as an occupational disease in the province of Wielkopolska (Poland). Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Bartosz Bilski Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Seroepidemiological study of Lyme borreliosis among forestry workers in southern Poland. Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Alicja Buczek, Katarzyna Bartosik, Jolanta Szymanska, Angelina Wojcik-Fatla Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Co-infection with Borrelia species and other tick-borne pathogens in humans: two cases from Poland. Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Renata Welc-Falęciak, Anke Hildebrandt, Edward Siński Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Orofacial symptoms related to boreliosis--case report. Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Ewa Wolańska-Klimkiewicz, Jolanta Szymańska, Teresa Bachanek Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Lyme borreliosis in south-eastern Poland: relationships with environmental factors and medical attention standards. Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Katarzyna Bartosik, Patrycja Lachowska-Kotowska, Jolanta Szymanska, Artur Pabis, Alicja Buczek Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science