SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPmENT OF PROFESSIONALISm FOR STUDENT TEACHERS IN EARLy TEACHER TRAININg Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Inge timoštšuk, Mai normak Subject(s): Education
BEAUTY AND TEACHING EVALUATION: A COMPARISON BETwEEN FEMALE AND MALE COLLEGE PROFESSORS Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: ya’arit Bokek-cohen, nitza davidowitz Subject(s): Education
TOwARDS A MULTICULTURALLY COMPETENT TEACHER IN BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: dzintra iliško, svetlana ignatjeva Subject(s): Education
IDENTIFYING THE UNDERLYING DIMENSIONS OF TEACHERS’ EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: chris Perry, ian Ball Subject(s): Education
HOW TO GUARANTEE QUALITY IN EDUCATION Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Robert Ruprecht Subject(s): Education
ESTONIAN TECHNICAL TEACHER EDUCATION IN THE PROCESS OF TRANSFORMATION Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: tiia rüütmann, Jüri Vanaveski Subject(s): Education
STUDENTS AND THEIR LEARNING: INITIATIVES AND PARTNERSHIPS Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: maura sellars Subject(s): Education
THE ROLE OF REFLECTION IN UNDERSTANDING TEACHING PRACTICE Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Helle sikka, inge timoštšuk Subject(s): Education
sTUDEnT TEAChEr prOfEssIOnAl DEVElOpmEnT fOr ThE 21sT CEnTUry Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: angela James Subject(s): Education
ThE mOTIVATIOnAl sTrATEGIEs UsED by hEADTEAChErs In ACADEmIC AChIEVEmEnT In sECOnDAry sChOOls In VIhIGA DIsTrICT, KEnyA Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Musungu lydiah lynet, achoka Judith Serah Kasandi, nasongo Joseph Wamocha Subject(s): Education
A TrAnsDIsCIplInAry ApprOACh Of ThE mEChATrOnICAl EDUCATIOn In ThE COnTEXT Of ThE KnOWlEDGE bAsED sOCIETy Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: ioan G. Pop, Vistrian Maties Subject(s): Education
EDUCATION OF TEACHERS IN ICT APPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING PHYSICS AT PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Renata Holubova, Veronika Kainzova, Jan Řiha, Ivo Vyšin Subject(s): Education
MEDIATION OF STUDENT LEARNING: DIMENSIONS AND EVIDENCES IN SCIENCE TEACHING Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: J. Bernardino Lopes, J. Paulo Cravino, Maria Júlia Branco, Elisa Saraiva, António Alberto Silva Subject(s): Education
SCIENCE BY AND FOR EVERYONE: A NEW APPROACH FOR BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN SECONDARY SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Maria Gabriela Lorenzo Subject(s): Education
REFINING THE ROLE OF THE SCIENCE TEACHER IN THE IT EPOQUE Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Liliana Mammino Subject(s): Education