p53 Expression Activation of HIV-1 Latency in U1 Cells Journal title: International Journal of Virology and AIDS Authors: Subject(s):
MicroRNA-Disease Predictions Based On Genomic Data Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Transcription Management System Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
An overview on osteogenic differentiation process: Minimum essential information for bone tissue engineering Journal title: Reviews in Biological and Biomedical Sciences Authors: Aida Șelaru, Iuliana Samoilă, Sorina Dinescu, Marieta Costache Subject(s):
Adipose tissue engineering and adipogenesis – a review Journal title: Reviews in Biological and Biomedical Sciences Authors: Andreea-D Lazar, Sorina Dinescu, Marieta Costache Subject(s):
CONTROLS EARLY THROMBUS FORMATION AND STABILITY BY FACILITATING ΑIIBΒ3 OUTSIDE-IN SIGNALING IN MICE. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Morales-Ort?z. Jessica, Santiago. Ocatavio, Madera. Bismarck, Washington. A. Valance. Subject(s):
CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OF GERMAN AND UKRAINIAN TERMINOLOGICAL SYSTEMS OF AGRO-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Journal title: Scientific journal «International Journal of Philology» Authors: N Bilous, S Kotyk Subject(s):
Система городской навигации города Москвы как проблема мултьтикультурного моделирования лингвистического образа города (The Latinization of Moscow street signs as an approach to urban navigation in a multicultural environment) Journal title: English Studies at NBU Authors: Olga Suleimanova, Daria Holodova Subject(s):
Sequence Analysis of New Isolated O-methyltransferase Transcript (VMPOMT) from Vanda Mimi Palmer Journal title: Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences Authors: Barudin Mohd Aiman, Ab. Rahim Mohd Hairul, Tan Suat Hian Subject(s):
Ethylene regulatory mechanisms and signaling towards the senescence associated incidences: A review Journal title: Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences Authors: Allah Jurio Khaskheli, Waqas Ahmed, Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskheli, Zeeshan Ahmad, Juan Hong Li Subject(s):
Role of Mecp2 Gene in Neuro Developmental Disorders Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) Authors: Amna Batool1, Mahira Arooj2,3, Subject(s):
Frequency of BCR-ABL Fusion Transcripts in Iranian Azeri Turkish patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Journal title: Iranian Journal of Blood and Cancer Authors: Morteza Bagheri, Isa Abdi Rad, Davood Maleki, Ali Eishi, Nasim Valizadeh Subject(s):
„Visitatio Sepulchri” w XV-wiecznej katedrze wawelskiej na podstawie AKKK 47 Journal title: Pro Musica Sacra Authors: Piotr Przybysz Subject(s): Music, Church, Religion
Association between NFKB1 (-94 ins/del ATTG) gene polymorphism and Multiple Sclerosis in the Turkish Population Journal title: Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries Authors: Arman A, Erzaim N, Isik N, Saridal M, Hoscan AY, List EO Subject(s):
Semantics of legal terms in translations of international European integration documentation Journal title: Scientific journal «International Journal of Philology» Authors: G Sydoruk Subject(s):