Ocena właściwości przetwórczych kompozytów polimerowo-drzewnych na osnowie poli(chlorku winylu) Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: Krzysztof Lewandowski, Stanisław Zajchowski, Jacek Mirowski, Artur Kościuszko Subject(s):
12-BIT CMOS DIGITALLY CONTROLLED OSCILLATORS FOR ADPLL Journal title: International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Mechanical Fundamentals (www.ijeemf.com) Authors: Satish Kumar , Sumit Sangwan , Dr. R.K.Khola Subject(s):
PERFORMANCE, ANALYSIS OF H.264/AVC LOSELESS VIDEO CODING USING HADAMARD TRANSFORM Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology Authors: M.Anto bennet , Dr.I. Jacob Raglend Subject(s):
Indirect Vector Control of Induction Motor Using Pi Speed Controller and Neural Networks Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: C. Mohan Krishna Subject(s):
Optimal Location of Statcom for Power Flow Control Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: S. S. Chandrakanth Subject(s):
Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming and Efficient Social Video Sharing in Cloud Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER TRENDS & TECHNOLOGY Authors: Mr.Prabhu R , Mr.Gautham K , Mrs.Nagajothi A Subject(s):
Multi Banking Transaction Interface Using MVC2 Architecture Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology Authors: Vivek Agrawal , Vinay Kumar , Vishal Ghodke , Komal Temdhare Subject(s):
Effect of the Triaxiality in Plane Stress Conditions. Triaxiality Effect in a PVC Material Journal title: Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Authors: N. Selini, M. Elmeguenni, M. Benguediab Subject(s): Engineering, Technological Change, Information Science, Industrial Management, Civil Engineering
MVC ARCHITECTURE: A COMPARITIVE STUDY BETWEEN RUBY ON RAILS AND LARAVEL Journal title: Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Archit Verma Subject(s):
Zależności między cenami kontraktów terminowych na miedź na Giełdzie Kontraktów Terminowych w Szanghaju Journal title: Zarządzanie i Finanse Authors: Marta Chylińska, Paweł Miłobędzki Subject(s):
Badania reologiczne plastizoli PVC zawierające środek powierzchniowo czynny, organiczny pigment, zagęszczacz i wodę Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: Edwin Makarewicz, Iwona Dobiała Subject(s):
Incorporation of FACTS Controllers in Newton Raphson Load Flow for Power Flow Operation, Control and Planning: A omprehensive Survey Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Bindeshwar Singh, , N. K. Sharma , A.N.Tiwari , Surya Prakash Singh Subject(s):
Comparison of the effects of valproic acid and levetiracetam on apoptosis in the human ovarian cancer cell line OVCAR-3. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Patrycja Kwiecińska, Erik Taubøll, Ewa Gregoraszczuk Subject(s):
Quadrature Sine Wave Signals Generated by Selection Topology and its Components Journal title: Bonfring International Journal of Power Systems and Integrated Circuits Authors: Arivazhagan P, Tarun Kanti Bhattacharyya Subject(s):
ČASOPIS DOBRI PASTIR U KONTEKSTU JEZIČNE SITUACIJE U HRVATSKOJ I BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI (OD 1950. DO 1990. GODINE) Journal title: Bosanski jezik Authors: Marijana Nikolić Subject(s):