MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN IPA POKOK BAHASAN SISTEM PENCERNAAN MAKANAN SESUAI STANDAR KOMPETENSI Journal title: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Authors: Achmad Ritfan Fathoni, Edy Budiman, Rudiman Rudiman Subject(s):
SISTEM INFORMASI PENERIMAAN BERKAS USUL KENAIKAN PANGKAT PADA BADAN KEPEGAWAIAN DAERAH KABUPATEN KUTAI KARTANEGARA Journal title: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Authors: Mirza Abdillah, Haeruddin Haeruddin, Bambang Cahyono Subject(s):
SISTEM INFORMASI OBAT-OBATAN HERBAL Journal title: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Authors: Zainatul Wulandari, Muh Ugiarto, Ummu l Hairah Subject(s):
SISTEM INFORMASI BIMBINGAN TUGAS AKHIR PADA FAKULTAS ILMU KOMPUTER DAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI UNIVERSITAS MULAWARMAN Journal title: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Authors: Azriana Sari, Muh. Ugiarto, Masnawati Masnawati Subject(s):
SISTEM INFORMASI UNDANG-UNDANG INFORMASI DAN TRANSAKSI ELEKTRONIK BERBASIS WEB Journal title: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Authors: Subject(s):
Design of Web-Based Customer Relation Management Application for Power Distribution Company: A Case Study of PHCN Owerri Business Unit Journal title: Mathematical and Software Engineering Authors: Akinloye Eunice, Anthony Umoren, Idorenyin Markson Subject(s):
APLIKASI PENERIMAAN KAS DARI SIMPANAN ANGGOTA PADA KOPERASI PEGAWAI DINAS KOPERASI 12 JULI PRIVINSI JAWA BARAT Journal title: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Ekonomi dan Akuntansi Authors: Junaedi Abdillah, Sentosa Halim Subject(s):
AT-THOYYIB SHOP INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Journal title: Acta Informatica Malaysia Authors: Juliana Ilias, Shahreen Kasim, Rohayanti Hassan, Azizul Azhar Ramli, Mohd Farhan Md Fudzee Subject(s):
The Change in Management Style during then Course of a Project from the Classical to the Agile Approach Journal title: Journal of Competitiveness Authors: Branislav Gablas, Eugen Ruzicky, Martina Ondrouchova Subject(s):
The Hydrogeochemistryof the Mayes Water Fall, North Central Nigeria. Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Aga T, Isah B, Zang C, Piwuna R.M Subject(s):
Sistem Manajemen Rekam Medis Berbasis Website Journal title: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Authors: Ardiati Ardiati, Edy Budiman, Haviluddin Haviluddin, Hario Jati Setyadi, Faza Alameka Subject(s):
Development of Project Management Information System for Income Generating Projects Journal title: Journal of Computing and Innovation Authors: Madelyn B. Manun-og, Mondani R. Manun-og Subject(s):
Development of Digits Integrated System Journal title: Journal of Computing and Innovation Authors: Charry Joy M. Arcena, Sanny T. Casido Jr, Roland T. Garciola, Joyce C. Reubal, Jeffrey C. Cinco Subject(s):
Software Process Models and Agile Method Applicability in Industry Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Diversity of aquatic fungi in Hebbe water falls of Chikmagalore Taluk, Chikmagalore District, Karnataka Journal title: Journal of Research in Biology Authors: Suresha HR, Raju GH, Krishnappa M, Enrique Descals, Syed abrar Subject(s):