Oncogenic Human Papilloma Virus type/s Detection in Cytologically Abnormal Females – Clinical Relevance for Disease Management Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Narotam Sharma, Vishal Kumar, Gyanendra Awasthi, Ujjwal Srivastava, Rakhi Kaushik, Abhilasha Pant, N... Subject(s):
Viral & Bacterial Meningitis: Usefulness of Molecular Assays for the Determination of the Etiological Agents Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Nani Kazi Deshar, Sanjay Kumar, Rupendra Shakya, Punit Punia, Narotam Sharma, R.K. Singh Subject(s):
MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY OF HOP CROWN GALL DIAGNOSTIC Journal title: Мікробіологія і біотехнологія Authors: A.M. Venger, N.E. Volkova Subject(s):
Frequency of Human Platelet Antigens (HPA-2/3/5) Polymorphism in Iranians Evaluated by RFLP-PCR Journal title: Iranian Journal of Blood and Cancer Authors: Shaban Alizadeh, Mojgan Shaiegan, Shahram Samiei, Zahra Ataee, Tahereh Madani, Jahangir Ahmadi, Azit... Subject(s):
Evaluation of Nested PCR for Rapid Diagnosis of Pediatric Tuberculous Meningitis Journal title: National Journal of Laboratory Medicine Authors: Dr. Amit Singh, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Dr. Seema Dayal, Dr. KM Shukla, Dr. ME Siddique Subject(s):
Bmi1a Gene Expression changes in Gamma-Irradiated Zebrafish Embryos Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) Authors: Anandhi Manickam¹, Ranjithkumar Ganeshan¹, Natarajan Thillainathan, Ramkumar Rajendiran, Perumal Pac... Subject(s):
Mother-Child Pair Transmission of Streptococcus Mutans; PCR Based Study in Urban Population of Pakistan Journal title: Saudi Journal of Pathology and Microbiology Authors: Mariyah Javed, Sidra Butt, Sara Ijaz, Faiza Awais, Rabia Asad, Arsalan Wahid, Ayyaz Ali Khan, Saima... Subject(s):
Molecular Identification of Babesia canis vogeli and its Therapeutic Management with Imidocarb Journal title: International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Authors: Subject(s):
Detection of PorphyromonasGingivalisin the Deeper Tissues of Gingival Squamous Cell Carcinoma Using Polymerase Chain Reaction Journal title: Saudi Journal of Oral and Dental Research Authors: P L Ravishankar, Priyankar Chakraborty, Y.Pradeep Kumar, A. V. Saravanan, E N Anila, Maharshi Malaka... Subject(s):
THREAT OF GLOBAL ECONOMIC DOWNTURN AS A RESULT OF "DOMINO EFFECT" Journal title: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. Authors: Olena Krasota Subject(s):
Molecular Revealing of Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV) in Abnormally Pap Smears by RFLP-PCR Journal title: Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences Authors: Sachin Kumar, Anisha ., Indu Bushan, GulshanKumar Dhingra, Manish Dev Sharma, Naveen Gaurav, Meenaks... Subject(s):
PCR and Culture Analysis of Enterococcus Faecalis from Retreatment Cases in Indian Population Journal title: Saudi Journal of Oral and Dental Research Authors: Nithya Pushpanathan, Kalpesh Revankar, Manish Kumar, Monika Sharma Subject(s):
Periodic quality evaluation of DNA from saliva swabs obtained from bite imprints and preserved in ideal and tropical room temperature – A comparative forensic study Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH Authors: Dr. Madhubala, E. and Dr. Saraswathi Gopal Subject(s):
In vitro anticancer activity of polysaccharide extracted from red alga Jania rubens against breast and colon cancer cell lines Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine Authors: Mostafa El-Sheekh Subject(s):
Monitoring of food, feed, agricultural raw material for genetically modified ingredients in Ukraine Journal title: Біоресурси і природокористування [Biological Resources and Nature Management] Authors: R. Oblap, N. Novak, T. Dyman Subject(s):