MaNageMeNt approach betweeN buSINeSS cluSter SucceSS aNd Soft leader characterIStIcS Journal title: Problems of Management in the 21st Century Authors: Robert Lippert, Zoltan Gaál Subject(s): Management Science
THE EFFECT OF HARD AND SOFT FACTORS ON THE SUCCESS OF A COMPANY Journal title: Problems of Management in the 21st Century Authors: Peter Bóna, Robert Lippert Subject(s): Management Science
Mindful Leadership: Uma década de abordagens identificadas em publicações acadêmicas Journal title: International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Management (IJKEM) Authors: Alexandre Takeshi Ueno, Cristiano de Almeida Cunha Subject(s): Engineering, Management Science
CURRICULUM LEADERSIHP: STRATEGIES FOR LINKING THE WRITTEN AND DELIVERED CURRICULIM Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Lena Damovska, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
AnAlysIs Of prOblEms Of EDUCATIOn: mAsTEr sTUDy prOGrAm “COmmUnITy AnD EsTAblIshmEnT ADmInIsTrATIOn” In ThE COnDITIOns Of COmmUnITy’s DEmOCrATIsATIOn In lATVIA Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: irena Kokina, Svetlana Guseva, Valerijs dombrovskis Subject(s): Education
SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF PREVENIENT PART OF JOINT ACTIVITIES IN YOUTH SMALL GROUPS Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Ekaterina I. Gamova, Sergei V. Sarychev Subject(s): Education
INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP IN TURKEY AND THE UNITED STATES: TEACHERS’ PERSPECTIVES Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Semiha Şahin Subject(s): Education
PERCEPTION OF DISTRICT QUALITY ASSURANCE AND STANDARDS OFFICERS ON LEADERSHIP STYLES OF DISTRICT EDUCATION OFFICERS IN KENYA Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Emmily Mugasia Sitati, Anne A. Ngaira, Clarice W. Mwita, Wilson Amolo, Maurice L. Akala, Willaerd N... Subject(s): Education
The eXPReSSION Of a PRINCIPaL’S TRaNSfORMaTIONaL LeaDeRShIP DuRINg The ORgaNIZaTIONaL ChaNge PROCeSS: a CaSe STuDY Of LIThuaNIaN geNeRaL eDuCaTION SChOOLS Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Jolanta Navickaitė Subject(s): Education
ORGANIZATIONAL DETERMINANTS OF TEACHER RESPONSIBILITY AND ENGAGEMENT AMONG ADULT EDUCATORS IN NORWAY Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Are Turmo, Knut-Andreas Christophersen, Eyvind Elstad Subject(s): Education
THE ACHIEVEMENT GOAL THEORY AS AN APPROACH TO STUDY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS’ LEADERSHIP MOTIVATION Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Christian Brandmo, Dijana Tiplic, Eyvind Elstad Subject(s): Education
SCHOOL PRINCIPALS’ LEADERSHIP STYLE AND TEACHERS’ SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING AT SCHOOL Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Mati Heidmets, Kadi Liik Subject(s): Education
LEADERSHIP PERCEPTIONS AND COMPETENCIES OF DEPUTY PRINCIPALS Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Suleyman Goksoy Subject(s): Education
TEACHER-EDUCATOR VERSUS TEACHER-LEADER Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Vincentas Lamanauskas Subject(s): Education
Transformational Leadership and Organizational Performance Journal title: SEISENSE Journal of Management Authors: Sadia Arif, Aman Akram Subject(s): Business Administration, Management Science/Operations Research