Telecommunications Subscription Fraud Detection using Artificial Neural Networks Journal title: Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Authors: Ledisi G. Kabari, Domaka N. Nanwin, Edikan Uduak Nquoh Subject(s):
Міжнародний досвід протидії шахрайствам, що вчиняються через мережу Інтернет (на прикладі Європейського Союзу та Сполучених Штатів Америки) Journal title: Форум права Authors: О. І. Кривенко Subject(s):
ACCOUNT RECEIVABLE FRAUD: THE ROLE OFINTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: AgustinaFelisia Willeam, Agnes Utari Widyaningsih. Subject(s):
Відмежування складу злочину, передбаченого статтею 206-2 Кримінального кодексу України, від суміжних складів злочину / Dissociation of the Crime Components Provided by the Article 206-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine from Related Crime Components} Journal title: Університетські наукові записки Authors: Інна Федулова Subject(s):
CYBER CRIME IN BANKING SECTOR Journal title: International journal of research -GRANTHAALAYAH Authors: Subject(s):
THE SUBJECT OF INFRINGEMENT DURING THE FRAUD RELATED TO THE CREDIT UNION ACTIVITIES Journal title: Регіональна економіка та управління Authors: Olga Kovalchuk Subject(s):
Information technology systems of the stock market and threats of financial cyber–fraud Journal title: Формування ринкових відносин в Україні. Збірник наукових праць Authors: A.V. KOLODIYCHUK Subject(s):
Bank credit cards as a means of committing fraud Journal title: Часопис Київського університету права Authors: Iryna Voitenko Subject(s):
The effectiveness of the village fund managements and the intent to report fraud A Case study at Jayapura Utara District: Kayu Batu Village Journal title: Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Authors: Immanuel Nataniel Makanuai, Margarith Wambukomo Subject(s):
DETERMINATION OF CRIMINALITY IN THE TOURISM SECTOR OF UKRAINE Journal title: Порівняльно-аналітичне право Authors: І.А. Нестерова Subject(s):
Contextualization of the Concept of Fraud Victimization for the Crime of Fraud in Trade Activities Indonesia – China (Victimization Study from the Perspective of Indonesian Exporters) Journal title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research Authors: Raden Muhammad Jauhari, Adrianus Meliala Subject(s): Economics, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Literature, Sociology of Education, Criminology, Public Administration
Tendency of Accounting Fraud from Aspect Internal Control, Compatibility of Compensation and Individual Morality Journal title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research Authors: Sunardi dan Sania Subject(s): Economics, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Literature, Sociology of Education, Criminology, Public Administration
Determinants of the Ability of Spi Personnel in the Prevention and Detection of Fraud at State Universities (PTN) in Indonesia Journal title: Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies Authors: Yulindah , Yulia Saftiana , Emylia Yuniarti, Subject(s): Economics, Banks and Banking, Marketing, Accounting, Management, Business, Finance