Badanie neuropsychologiczne pacjentów z przejściową amnezją globalną Journal title: Psychiatria Polska Authors: Monika Talarowska, Antoni Florkowski, Krzysztof Zboralski, Piotr Gałecki Subject(s):
Neuropsychological examination among patients suffering from transient global amnesia Journal title: Psychiatria Polska Authors: Monika Talarowska, Antoni Florkowski, Krzysztof Zboralski, Piotr Gałecki Subject(s):
The effects of Leptin on gastric ulcer due to physical and psychological stress: Involvement of nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 Journal title: Журнал ÑтреÑÑ-физиологии и биохимии Authors: Soghra Fallahi, Fatemeh Nabavizadeh, Seyed Shahabadin Sadr, Ali Mohammad Alizadeh, Soheila Adeli, Ho... Subject(s):
Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej pt. „Człowiek w pracy i organizacji: perspektywa psychologiczna” Katedry Psychologii i Zarządzania Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, Lublin, 24–25 listopada 2011 r. Journal title: Roczniki Psychologiczne Authors: Ewelina Bondyra-Łuczka, Dorota Filipiuk Subject(s):
Krytyczne myślenie przede wszystkim Journal title: Roczniki Psychologiczne Authors: Ewa Czerniawska Subject(s):
Psychologia i etyka: postulaty słuszne i trudne Journal title: Roczniki Psychologiczne Authors: Andrzej Szostek Subject(s):
THE ROLE OF A CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST IN MENTAL HOSPITAL Journal title: Psychiatria i Psychoterapia Authors: Adrian Waszkiewicz, Artur Nizio Subject(s):
Analysis of Various Forms of Child Labor in D.I.Khan City, KPK, Pakistan Journal title: Asian Journal of Management Sciences and Education Authors: Safia Gandapur , Parkha Shahab, M. Ehsan Qureshi, Wagma Khan Subject(s):
Indirect self-destructiveness and psychological gender Journal title: Psychiatria Polska Authors: Konstantinos Tsirigotis, Wojciech Gruszczyński, Marta Tsirigotis-Maniecka Subject(s):
Displaying resistance by a group Journal title: Current Problems of Psychiatry Authors: Wioletta Tuszyńska-Bogucka, Iwona Gryniuk-Toruń Subject(s):
Dobro czy dobrostan osoby z głęboką niepełnosprawnością sprzężoną? Journal title: Roczniki Psychologiczne Authors: Grzegorz Wiącek Subject(s):
Future psychologists’ vision of the needs of society for psychological aid and of their own professional fulfillment Journal title: Current Problems of Psychiatry Authors: Subject(s):
The psychological reactions of children and adolescents who experienced bombing and political and military conflict in Palestine Journal title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής Authors: A. STATHOPOULOU, G. PAPADATOS, D. ANAGNOSTOPOULOS Subject(s):
Effectiveness of Nursing Interventions on Physical and Psychological Outcome among Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy Journal title: Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University Authors: T. Sivabalan , Saroj V. Upasani Subject(s): Medicine, Research & Experimental
Neuropsychological functioning across different states of bipolar disorder: mania or hypomania and depression Journal title: Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Authors: Julita Świtalska Subject(s):