Differences in Blood and Milk Fatty Acid Profile of Primiparous and Multiparous Mediterranean Buffaloes Cows During Transition Period and Early Lactation Journal title: Journal of Buffalo Science Authors: Lenita Camargo Verdurico, Jefferson Rodrigues Gandra, Caio Seiti Takiya, Jose Esler de Freitas Junio... Subject(s): Veterinary Science
Investigation on potential of Suaeda fruticosa as a source of edible oil Journal title: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) Authors: Maryam Shahi, Mohammad Saaghari, Ehsan Zandi Esfahan, Kamkar Jaimand Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Biology
Investigation on the potential of halophytes as a source of edible oil case study: Suaeda aegyptiaca and Halostachys caspica Journal title: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) Authors: Asghar Ghasemi Firouzabadi, Mohammad Jafari, Mohammad Hassan Assareh, Hossein Arzani, Seyed Akbar Ja... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Biology
Ω-3 PUFA supplementation decreases nuclear factor κB activity and attenuates pressure overload-induced cardiac dysfunction Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Monika K. Duda, Paweł Dobrzyń, Urszula Mackiewicz, Agnieszka Dobrzyń, Michał Mączewski Subject(s):
Suplementacja wielonienasyconymi kwasami tłuszczowymi ω-3 obniżająca aktywność czynnika transkrypcyjnego κB i zapobiegająca dysfunkcji serca indukowanej przeciążeniem ciśnieniowym Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Monika K. Duda, Paweł Dobrzyń, Urszula Mackiewicz, Agnieszka Dobrzyń, Michał Mączewski Subject(s):
Fish intake and risk of prostate cancer Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Ewa Dybkowska, Franciszek Świderski, Bożena Waszkiewicz-Robak Subject(s): Medicine
Spożycie ryb a ryzyko wystąpienia raka prostaty Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Ewa Dybkowska, Franciszek Świderski, Bożena Waszkiewicz-Robak Subject(s): Medicine
Changes in the concentrations of tocopherols and fatty acids in cold pressed oils manufactured from walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds Journal title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops Authors: Aldona Jasińska-Stępniak Subject(s):
The role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in skin protection against the harmful influence Journal title: Kosmetologia Estetyczna Authors: Ewa Gluza, Anna Skoczyńska Subject(s):
Fats - role and importance for human health Journal title: Kosmetologia Estetyczna Authors: Ewa Przysiężna Subject(s):
Oxidative stress, polyunsaturated fatty acids-derived oxidation products and bisretinoids as potential inducers of CNS diseases: focus on age-related macular degeneration. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Jerzy Nowak Subject(s):
Нейротропное действие соевого лецитина в процессе формирования когнитивной функции у белых крыс Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: A. Drozdov , А. Rodinsky , Е. Demchenko, L. Romanenko Subject(s):
Comparative Physical properties of Karanj Seed Oil by Using Different Organic Solvents: an Environmental Viable Fuel Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research. Authors: *Savita Sagwan, D.V.Rao and R.A.Sharma Subject(s):
Віковий аспект адаптивної реакції центральної нервової системи за умов емоційно-больового стану Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: Ye. Demchenko Subject(s):
Роль тиреоїдних гормонів у регуляції жирнокислотного спектру ліпідів мозку: онтогенетичний аспект Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: A. Rodynskiy , O. Kondratieva Subject(s):