Herbs/spices as feed additive in aquaculture Journal title: Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences Authors: O.A. Asimi*| Fish Nutrition, Biochemistry and Physiology Division, Central Institute of Fisheries Ed... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Science
THE EFFECT OF VERAPAMIL AND DILTIAZEM ON CARDIAC STIMULANT EFFECT OF ADRENALINE AND CALCIUM CHLORIDE ON ISOLATED FROG HEART Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Lakhavat Sudhakar| Non Medical Assistant, Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
Study of effects Aloe vera extract supplemented feed on hematological and immunological indices of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal title: International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research Authors: Masoud Haghighi| Coldwater Fishes Research Center, Tonekabon, Iran, Mostafa Sharif Rohani| Iranian F... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Anatomy, Physiology
Logical insufficiencies of „stimulus – response” theory specialisation in solution of marketing problems Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Перица Мацура, PhD Subject(s): Economics
Immunomodulators and immunostimulants in the diet of children and teenagers suffering from simple obesity Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Aneta Czerwonogrodzka-Senczyna, Małgorzata Janusz, Anna Jeznach-Steinhagen, Beata Pyrżak Subject(s):
Składniki immunomodulujące i immunostymulujące w diecie dzieci i młodzieży z otyłością prostą Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Aneta Czerwonogrodzka-Senczyna, Małgorzata Janusz, Anna Jeznach-Steinhagen, Beata Pyrżak Subject(s):
Effect of algae Ecklonia maxima (Kelpak SL) on winter oilseed rape Journal title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops Authors: Kinga Matysiak, Sylwia Kaczmarek, Roman Kierzek Subject(s):
The impact of IL18 gene polymorphisms on mRNA levels and interleukin-18 release by peripheral blood mononuclear cells Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Violetta Dziedziejko, Mateusz Kurzawski, Edyta Paczkowska, Bogusław Machalinski, Andrzej Pawlik Subject(s): Medicine
Wpływ polimorfizmów genu IL18 na stężenie mRNA oraz wydzielanie interleukiny 18 przez jednojądrzaste komórki krwi obwodowej Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Violetta Dziedziejko, Mateusz Kurzawski, Edyta Paczkowska, Bogusław Machalinski, Andrzej Pawlik Subject(s): Medicine
Engagement in risky behaviours by 15-19-year-olds from Polish urban and rural areas Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Katarzyna Sygit, Witold Kołłątaj, Andrzej Wojtyła, Marian Sygit, Iwona Bojar, Alfred Owoc Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
The serotonergic system and its role in cocaine addiction. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Małgorzata Filip, Magdalena Zaniewska, Anna Gołda, Edmund Przegaliński Subject(s):
Role of serotonin (5-HT)(1B) receptors in psychostimulant addiction. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Joanna Miszkiel, Małgorzata Filip, Edmund Przegaliński Subject(s):
Stimulants and barriers to innovative activities and transfer of technology Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie Authors: Robert Panek Subject(s):
LIMONIA ACIDISSIMA L. (WOOD APPLE) AS FEED ADDITIVE ENHANCED GROWTH PERFORMANCE, IMMUNE RESPONSE AND DISEASE RESISTANCE OF INDIAN MAJOR CARP, CATLA CATLA (HAM.) AGAINST AEROMONAS HYDROPHILA INFECTION Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Ponnuraj Srinivasan, Deivamarudachalam Priya Darsini, Vellingiri Maheshu, J Castro, Jaganathan... Subject(s):
Studies on the effect of different immunostimulants on chick's immune response to inactivated avian influenza and Newcastle Vaccines