Çocukluk çağı epilepsisinde karbamazepin’in tiroid fonksiyonları üzerine etkisi Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: Mehmet Turan, Atilla Çayır, İbrahim Esin, Fikri Demir, Hüseyin Tan Subject(s):
The effects of carbamazepine on thyroid functions in childhood epilepsy Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: Mehmet Turan, Atilla Çayır, İbrahim Esin, Fikri Demir, Hüseyin Tan Subject(s):
Thyroid disorders in type 2 diabetes mellitus Journal title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal Authors: Subject(s):
Thyroid Function Abnormalities among Hospital Patients of Hilly Nepal Journal title: Journal of Lumbini Medical College Authors: Raj Krishna Dangol, Priya Lanjekar, Chandrashekhar Pulipati Subject(s):
IMPORTANCE OF THYROID FUNCTION TEST IN DIABETES Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Mohd. Riyaz Mohd. Riyaz Subject(s):
A Study to Determine Prevalance of Thyroid Disorders in Children and Adolescents with Vitiligo Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Aditi Dhanta Subject(s):
PREVALENCE OF THYROID DYSFUNCTION AMONG ANTENATAL WOMEN IN A TEACHING HOSPITAL Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Matangi Ananda Kumari, Kodali Venkataramana, Kotipalli Padma Leela, Sayeeda Aafreen, Amrin Amrin Subject(s):
Determinants of thyroid function in neonates at birth Journal title: Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research Authors: Pikala Tarakeswara Rao, Sai Sunil Kishore, Y V Siva Sankara Murty, Pundarikaksha Varanas, Madhusudha... Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Classification of Thyroid FNA Smears into Bethesda Categories and Their Correlation with Thyroid Function Tests Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Dr. Yasmeen Khatib, Dr Arsalla Mulla, Dr. Richa D. Patel, Dr Erbaz Momin, Dr. Vinod Gite, Dr. Archa... Subject(s):
The impact of tyrosine kinase inhibitors on thyroid function tests among sudanesepatients with chronic myeloid leukemia Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH Authors: 1Nawal K. Mustafa, 1Abd Elkareem A. Rabo, 1Suhair A. Ahmed, 1Rimaz G.Alhaj -, 2Safa Wdidi - Subject(s):
Thyroid Dysfunction and Diabetes: A Relationship That’s Not Sweet Journal title: International Archives of Integrated Medicine Authors: Dr. Preethika, CP Abdul Rehaman Subject(s):
Study of Thyroid Function Tests in Cases of Polymorphic Light Eruption in Tertiary Care Institute Journal title: MVP Journal of Medical Sciences Authors: Chirag Chadha, Milind Deshmukh, Anil Shankar Gugle Subject(s):
A Clinical Study of Thyroid Function Tests in Dysfuctional Uterine Bleeding Journal title: Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Authors: Nandkishor V. More Subject(s):
Clinicopathological Correlation of Thyroid Cytology with Thyroid Function Tests: A Study of 100 Cases Journal title: Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice Authors: Kumari Jyothi Vibhute Subject(s):
Does Hypothyroidism Promote Gallstone Formation? Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY Authors: Saravanan Sanniyasi, Rufus Ranjit Singh Edwin, Naveen Pothuri Subject(s):