Structure and content of professional competence of the future specialist for рhysical therapy Journal title: Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 5 Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи Authors: Я. В. Суворова Subject(s):
Omul – reperul axiologic cardinal al oricărui sistem juridic Journal title: Revista Națională de Drept Authors: Subject(s):
Evaluation оf Microclimate Parameters by Indicators of Local Heat Comfort in the Room Which Has Failures of Outside Observing Structures Journal title: Вентиляція, освітлення та теплогазопостачання Authors: V. Petrenko, К. Dikarev, А. Petrenko, I. Holiakova Subject(s):
Onestitatea alegerilor – principiu edificator al legitimităţii puterii de stat prin reprezentare Journal title: Revista Națională de Drept Authors: Subject(s):
Elementele de diferenţiere ale infracţiunilor electorale Journal title: Revista Națională de Drept Authors: Subject(s):
Political Blogging Phenomenon to understand Information Behaviour and Digital Technology Use Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Mohd Rizal Mohd Yaakop, Ali Seman, Roslizawati Taib, Hussin Yusri Zawawi, Norman Suratman Jazimin, S... Subject(s):
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RELIGION AND POLITICS IN INDONESIA Journal title: IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature ( IMPACT : IJRHAL ) Authors: Pradeep Tandon Subject(s):
Votanții activi și votanții de presiune. Un model teoretic de analiză Journal title: Sfera Politicii Authors: Alfred Bulai Subject(s):
The Influence of UGOV on Gen Y Perceptions towards Malaysian Federal Ruling Party Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Wan Hartini Wan Zainodin, Hamimda Agil, Mohd Shahnawi Muhmad Pirus Muhammad, Hakimi Tew Abdullah, Ja... Subject(s):
The content and structure of subjective electoral law in Ukraine Journal title: Naukovyy Visnyk Dnipropetrovs'kogo Derzhavnogo Universytety Vnutrishnikh Sprav Authors: V.F. Nesterovych Subject(s):
THE SHAREHOLDERS VOTING RIGHTS IN COMPARATIVE LAW Journal title: Challenges of the knowledge society ( Provocari ale societatii cunoasterii ) Authors: Roxana - Mihaela CATEA Subject(s):
Prevotella copri sp. isolated from human faeces associated with new onset rheumatoid arthritis (NORA) Journal title: International Journal of Medical and Health Research Authors: Veena KD, Rashmi SB, Madhuri Kulkarni Subject(s):
Encouraging Trends in women Politics in Khyber Pukhtoonkhwah Journal title: Global Social Sciences Review Authors: Saeed Ahmad, Bakhtiar Khan, Ijaz Khalid Subject(s):
CONSTITUTIONALISM OF MINIMUM LIMIT OF VOTES DIFFERENCES IN THE SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTE ON THE RESULT OF SIMULTANT REGIONAL ELECTIONS Journal title: Academic Research International Authors: Ahmad Siboy, Sudarsono Sudarsono, Jazim Hamidi, Moh. Fadli Subject(s):
THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES OF LOGISTICS CUSTOMER SERVICE Journal title: Економіка та суспільство Authors: К.В. Мельникова Subject(s):