Journal Title: Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство) - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 1
The given paper addresses to two types of linguistic meaning – Lexical Semantic of adverbs (temporal, locative, degree, etc.) and functional semantic. The class of adverbs demonstrates a vast non-homogeneity as regards their semantic interpretation (Mykhaylenko, 2015). Semantically several domains of adverbs are differentiated, however, primarily there are three basic classes of adverbials with further sub-classifications (Erst, 2007). C. Maienborn and M. Schafer (2011) underline that each class has its own subgroups: (a) predicational, (b) participant oriented and (c) functional adverbials . Functional Semantics of adverbs reveals approximators, down-toners, amplifiers etc. It focuses attention on matching the meanings of the language unit and its context (situation). The author’s assumption is that the language unit actualizes the speaker’s intention in the context only. The study provides insight into the broader view of semantics of adverbs which incorporates pragmatics (Kris Liu and Jean E. Fox, 2012). The outcomes of the semantic analysis – definitional analysis based on the dictionary entry of the given adverbs and the componential one based on the decomposition of their lexical meaning made the following assumptions possible: (1) the common component «approximation” is revealed in English adverbs likewise (2) the component “относительность” is a characteristic feature of the lexical meaning of Russian adverbs; (3) the results of both analyses helped to classify these adverbs into a separate semantic group or a semantic microfield (domain) of “approximators” in L1 and L2. The analysis of the adverbs of approximation according to their semantic features in the language systems and their functional features in the discourse structure helps to match their linguistic meaning and use in context.
Authors and Affiliations
V. V. Mykhaylenko
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