Assessment of Plasma Paraoxonase Activity in Metabolic Syndrome Patients
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 2
Abstract: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a major escalating public-health and clinical challenge worldwide. MS is characterized by various sorts of cardiometabolic risk factors. However, the role of oxidative stress in developing components of MS needs further investigations. Therefore, the objective of present study was to estimate the plasma paraoxonase (PON) activity in MS patients and to determine the relation of PON with dyslipidemia in MS subjects. 50 patients of either sex (30-50 years age group) suffering from MS as defined by the criteria of the Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III and 50 normal healthy individuals served as control; were recruited. Plasma PON activity along with serum lipid profile was estimated by using standard methods and data from patients and controls were compared by using Student’s t-test. In addition to dyslipidemia, significantly low (p<0.001) activity of plasma PON was observed in MS group subjects. PON activity was negatively correlated with the components of lipid profile except HDL-cholesterol. Therefore, depletion of PON activity plays a crucial role in the development of cardiovascular complications in MS patients. The present study also suggested that treatment of dylipidemia should be incorporated with regular monitoring of PON activity in order to predict and timely overcome with the burden of cardiac complication in MS patients.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Md Masood Ahmed Shareef, Dr. Nitin Faldessai, Dr. Rahul Saxena, Dr. Ijen Bhattacharya
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