Authoritarian-charismatic style of leading an orchestra and its artistic level
Journal Title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" - Year 2016, Vol 3, Issue 2
The manner of leading an orchestra, communication with musicians, management style – these are the aspects of work with an ensemble that depend on the choices and decisions made by a conductor. The research proves that what matters in that profession is personality, charisma, power of persuasion, radiant self-confidence and steadfast authority. Orchestra-leading could be compared to company management or running a big manufacturing plant. Therefore, the article presents the characteristics of individual conducting styles and the four “pillars of power” affecting the improvement of an orchestra’s artistic level. There are also discussed other aspects of a conductor’s work, influencing not only the satisfaction level of mutual relations with orchestra musicians but also affecting directly the quality of an orchestra performance and its artistic level. The emphasis is placed mainly on leading professional orchestras, wherein an authoritarian-charismatic style prevails among conductors.
Authors and Affiliations
Stella Kaczmarek
Sprawozdanie z II Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej Kultura – Muzyka – Edukacja
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