Repertory for an orchestra at the 1st degree music school – on the example of selected pieces by Polish contemporary composers

Journal Title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 1


Teachers-conductors working with orchestras at 1st degree music schools are faced with numerous tasks of artistic, methodological, didactic and organizational nature. One of the most frequently recurring problems is a difficulty finding a suitable repertory, appropriate for the ensemble’s potential and maintaining at the same time a high artistic level. The Polish publishing market does not offer too many publications targeted at 1st-degree music school orchestras. The available ones do not meet, in general, real needs – ensembles very often have an unusual set-up, depending on e.g. the school’s educational offer. The article makes an attempt to find answers to the questions posed to the conductor of a school orchestra: How to select pieces for the performing body that one has at their disposal at the moment? Where to look for them? From where to draw inspirations for own artistic activities in that respect? The reflections, based on the observations of the conductor working with a children’s orchestra on a daily basis, will be backed with examples – selected pieces of Polish contemporary composers.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Pawelec


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  • EP ID EP79404
  • DOI 10.5604/2392277X.1165081
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How To Cite

Anna Pawelec (2015). Repertory for an orchestra at the 1st degree music school – on the example of selected pieces by Polish contemporary composers. "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego", 2(1), 63-76.