In search of balance and harmony. The ethos of conductor-ensemble integration and co-operation
Journal Title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 2
The aim of the study is to show the importance of maintaining balance and harmony between a conductor and the ensemble. First, one should answer the question who a conductor is and how the set of values and rules regarding co-operation with an ensemble (i.e. the title ethos) has evolved over centuries. A conductor’s major role is to prepare the ensemble and create a proper atmosphere for the best possible final artistic outcome. In order to achieve that, a conductor makes use of one’s technical skills, however what still greatly matters is his/her personality and psyche. History knows conductors-despots, tyrants, madmen. Undoubtedly, it is a guide, leader and above all – authority who serves as a role model. Over the last 20 years, numerous changes in conductors’ attitude to their ensembles have been observed. Some of them focused on co-operation, gradually replacing dictatorship with more democratic approach. Nevertheless, it does not mean that a conductor should become a mate to the ensemble members. Being a conductor equals giving support and guidance. That cannot be achieved without laborious and patient work on establishing authority. When noticing in a conductor’s behavior competence and good manners, as well as commitment and passion, ensemble members will eagerly follow the path indicated by their conductor. Hence it lays a firm foundation for ensuring a collective success.It is worth remembering that harmonious integration of a ‘musical guide’ with one’s ensemble can be achieved only when the conductor demands most of oneself.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Wiktoria Batarowska
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