Безпечна діяльність водія-професіонала за медико-психологічними параметрами (Medical and psychological parameters of safe driving for work)
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2018, Vol 13, Issue 2
The article analyzes the conditions and psychological aspects of driving for work. The author presents the research results related to the cognitive and personal characteristics of professional drivers as well as a set of instruments to assess their psychological state and the criteria of driver's reliability according to their cognitive and personal characteristics. Professional drivers need not only special attention from medical examiners, but also psychological monitoring based on the mental state standards. Persons who don't meet the standards form a risk group and are prone to false actions, which is most relevant for critical and emergency situations. Given the increasing complexity, intensity and stressfulness of driving for work, more attention should be paid not only to the driver's professional qualities, but also to their mental condition and psychological well-being. There is a growing need for medical and psychological monitoring of drivers' ability to work including their personal characteristics such as aggressiveness, assertiveness, individualism, low mental and social stability, which are relative contraindications to driver profession. Driving for work, which
Authors and Affiliations
Oleg Panchenko, Iryna Kabantseva
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