Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Słowacji w 2016 roku
Journal Title: Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 2
The bibliography of translations of Polish literature in Slovakia in 2016
Authors and Affiliations
Zuzana Obertová
Perspektywa tekstowa i perspektywa kulturowa w przekładzie, czyli o kłopotach współistnienia
The textual nature of translation determines its hybrid nature: it exists as a tension between the original and the receiving culture. Consequently, the translator assumes a responsibility towards both the author and the...
(Samo)poznanie poprzez Innego i obca kultura jako źródło własnej tożsamości: poeta Zdravko Malić
polish translation of the article by Katarzyna Majdzik This paper deals primarily with the poetry of Zdravko Malić, one of the most prominent Croatian Polonists of the 20th century, founder of Croatian Polonistics as in...
Bibliografia przekładów na język śląski w latach 2002—2018 / Bibliography of translations into the Silesian language in the years 2002—2018
The bibliography includes translations into the Silesian language made both in the standard script as well as in the non-standard one. The starting point for translations into the contemporary Silesian may be dated back...
Soočanje kultur v dvojezičnem slovaropisju
Soočanje kultur v dvojezičnem slovaropisju
Przekład jako narzędzie propagandy. Miesięcznik „Polska: czasopismo ilustrowane” w latach 1954—1956 / Translation as a propaganda tool The monthly Poland: Illustrated Magazine in the years 1954—1956
The monthly Poland: Illustrated Magazine was published (with an interruption) from 1954 to 1999. In the period under analysis (1954—1956), apart from its Polish version, the magazine was also published in English, French...