Concerning the problems of staying convicts in quarantine, diagnostic and distribution area
Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 37
The features and rules of convicts staying in the quarantine, diagnostic and distribution area of penitentiary institutions are defined. The analysis of the criminalexecutive legislation regulating the stay of convicts in the area of quarantine, diagnostic and distribution has been made. The main normative legal acts regulating this issue are the Criminal-Executive Code of Ukraine of 2003 and the Regulations on the Quarantine, Diagnostic and Distribution Area, approved by the order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine dated November 4, 2013. The Criminal-Executive Code as the basic legal document of the highest legal force regulating the legal relationship in the field of execution of sentences in Art. 95 determines that convicted persons placed in a quarantine, diagnostic and distribution area, during a period of fourteen days undergo a complete medical examination for the detection of infectious, somatic and mental illnesses, as well as primary psychological and pedagogical and other study. It is noted that the individualization and differentiation of the execution of criminal punishment as the principles of execution of punishment differ from each other, and are important in the secondary classification of convicts. The main aspects of the development and implementation of an individual program of social work with convicts kept in the quarantine, diagnostic and distribution area are clarified. Taking into account the peculiarities of the presence of convicts in the quarantine, diagnostic and distribution area, it is proposed its author’s definition.
Authors and Affiliations
Vladyslav Volodymyrovych Karelin, O. V. Yermak
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