Controlling the exhaust gases of marine diesel engines to ensure environmental performance


The exhaust gas control system of the 6L20 Wartsila diesel engine is analyzed, which ensures their passage directly into the exhaust flue without passing the gas turbocharger. The results of studies to determine the effect of the degree of bypass of exhaust gases on the specific fuel oil consumption and the emission of nitrogen oxides are presented. During the experiments, the volumes of gases passing through the bypass flue and entering the main gas flue from the gas turbocharger were determined. With respect to these volumes, the degree of opening of the bypass valve was determined. In the experiments carried out this value varied within the range 0 ... 9.6 %. The experiments were performed both for different degrees of opening of the bypass valve, and for different loads on the diesel, which varied in the range of 55 ... 83 % and was maintained by a constant group of energy consumers. Determination of the monitored parameters was carried out with the following measurement mistake: gas consumption  0.5 %, nitrogen oxide emission in exhaust gases  3.5 %, specific fuel oil consumption  2.5 %, diesel power  1.5 %. It has been experimentally established that the use of gas bypass as one of the variants of the exhaust gas control system helps to reduce the emission of marine diesel oxides. The relative reduction in nitrogen oxides emissions is in the range 1.15 ... 13.85 % and depends on the number of gases that are bypassed in addition to the gas turbocharger and the power of the diesel engine. The greatest decrease in the emission of nitrogen oxides (up to 12.53 %) occurs in the range of diesel loads 74 ... 83 % at 8.1 ... 9.6 % in the release of exhaust gases. When using the gas bypass system, the economy of the diesel engine is reduced, in particular, the specific fuel oil consumption increases. For diesel operating modes close to the nominal (in the range 74 ... 83 % of the nominal power of the diesel engine), the increase in the specific fuel oil consumption is in the range 0.26 ... 1.05 %. At loads of 55 ... 67 % of the rated power of the diesel, the increase in fuel consumption by using the gas bypass system can reach 1.83 ... 2.52 %. When choosing the most optimal operating mode of the gas bypass system, i.e. the number of gases bypassed by the gas turbocharger, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the ecological and economic performance of the diesel engine, and also to take into account that an increase in the degree of gas transmission is possible only within the permissible temperatures on the expansion line that provide the required level of thermal stress of the piston-piston group parts.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleksiy Kuropyatnyk, Sergii Sagin


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How To Cite

Oleksiy Kuropyatnyk, Sergii Sagin (2018). Controlling the exhaust gases of marine diesel engines to ensure environmental performance. Автоматизация судовых технических средств, 1(24), 72-80.