Current treatment of anal cancer
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2013, Vol 26, Issue 8
A Polish yearly incidence of anal cancers reaches up to 300. The paper presents current diagnostic and treatment guidelines for this rarely observed cancer. Attention was paid to increased incidence of anal cancer due to liberalisation of sexual behavior and growing number of immunocompromised patients. Radiochemotherapeutic regimen for anal cancer has remained unchanged for nearly thirty years. Hitherto attempts of its modification by chemotherapeutic alternations or omitting radiotherapy resulted in worse treatment results. Surgical treatment of this cancer is used almost only in the selected cases of the cancer of the anal verge. It was stressed that close patient follow-up after radiotherapy termination is of great importance due to high efficacy of local recurrences treatment. Amputation of the rectum, performed immediately after the diagnosis of recurrence, allows for 5-year survival rate of 61-78% of patients. However, the incidence of local complications of surgical treatment is up to 60%, which is associated with a history of radiochemotherapy.
Authors and Affiliations
Grzegorz Nawrocki
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