Curriculum Reform in Upper-Secondary Comprehensive Schools: Research Findings and Recommendations
Journal Title: Pedagogicka Orientace - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 4
The paper presents the main research findings and recommendations concerning the implementation of curricular reform in upper-secondary comprehensive schools. The authors analyse ten problem areas of curricular reform, as they were captured in the Kvalitní škola research project. (1) There is no (shared) understanding of the key ideas and concepts of the reform; (2) Discussing the reform: participants and their non-voices; (3) The problem of language, of ’understanding’; (4) Doubts about what is being reformed; (5) When what-is-being-implemented has been implemented: the problem of coordination; (6) Conditions of implementation; (7) Ambiguous acceptation of the reform on the part of teachers; (8) Two-level curriculum: state-level and school-level curriculum as the key elements of the reform; (9) Teachers making a curriculum: doubts and hesitation; (10) Realising curriculum: formalism or a route to the new culture of teaching and learning. Towards the end of the paper, the authors summarise recommendations for the participants on different levels of the reform. They also suggest an outlook for future research in this area.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomáš Janík, Petr Knecht, Michaela Píšová, Jan Slavík
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