Дидактичні і методичні передумови навчання письма у позакласній роботі учнів основної школи
Journal Title: Іноземні мови - Year 2017, Vol 91, Issue 3
Стаття присвячена визначенню теоретичних передумов навчання письма учнів основної школи у позакласній роботі. Проаналізовано основні фактори актуальності проблеми навчання письма. Наведено різні форми позакласної роботи, наголошено на потенціалі шкільних Євроклубів. Визначено дидактичні та методичні передумови навчання іноземного письма в сучасних формах позакласної роботи, зокрема в електронному міжкультурному спілкуванні українських учнів з однолітками із країн виучуваної мови у рамках Євроклубу. Abstract. Introduction. The article deals with the use of extra-curricular activities for developing writing skills of the basic school pupils. Writing is analyzed as a type of speech activity in aspect of its teaching in the extra-curricular works. Didactic and methodological background of teaching writing in extra-curricular activities is determined. It is noted that extra – curricular activities of pupils due to the variety of forms, has many inexhaustible potential reserves for solving problems, the purpose of the article – didactic and methodological grounding of teaching writing at the extra- curricular activities of the basic school pupils. 10 Results. The extra-curricular activities become effective through its clear organization. It is noted that the formation of foreign language communicative competence in the process of extra-curricular activities should be based on such general didactic principles as the principle of the conscious and active participation of pupils in the education process, the principle of accessibility and individuality, the principle of connecting theory with practice, the principle of systematization and continuity, the principle of interdisciplinary coordination and the principle of intercultural cooperation. Traditionally, there are three forms of extracurricular activities: individual work, group work or mass forms. It is singled out that each of the above forms contain such activities as competitions, games, quizzes, wall newspapers, press conferences, teleconferences, festivals and many others. Conclusion. The analysis of the problem, defining the role of extra-curricular activities in developing of the basic school pupils’ writing skills, improving their skills, talents and creative forces in foreign language lessons don’t exhaust all aspects of the problem and need further thorough investigation.
Authors and Affiliations
А. О. Калінчук
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