Dieta stadium parr troci wędrownej (Salmo trutta trutta) na tle warunków pokarmowych trzech niewielkich leśnych cieków
Journal Title: Roczniki Naukowe Polskiego Związku Wędkarskiego - Year 2011, Vol 24, Issue
The aim of this study was to determine the diet of sea trout fry parr stage for the qualitative and quantitative composition of benthos in three small forest streams. We found that the streams were abundant in food, which resulted in similar values of fish growth. No significant differences in the growth of young fish inhabiting streams with different nutritional conditions were noted. Trout fry, despite quantitative differences in the composition of benthos in streams generally chose the same nutrients, regardless of the food base.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Pilecka-Rapacz, Józef Domagała, Robert Czerniawski
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