Дослідження алгоритму зміни поперечної різностінності на трубопрокатному агрегаті з автоматичним станом
Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1
RESEARCH OF THE ALGORITHM OF TRANSVERSE WALL THICKNESS DEVIATION OF PIPE WHICH HAS BEEN ROLLED ON THE TRP (TUBE ROLLING PLANT) WITH AUTOMATIC MILL Sokurenko V.P., Drozhzha P.V., Bikovec K.M. Abstract Seamless steel tubes have been widely used in various applications such as boiler tubes, oil drilling, oil pipelines, automobile and aircraft pipelines, etc. Over time, the requirements for the accuracy of the cross section of the pipes are constantly increasing. The accuracy of the cross-section is determined by the accuracy of the diameter and the accuracy of the thickness of the wall. In the production of pipes the most difficult is to produce a pipe with the required level of transverse wall thickness deviation. The high requirements as to accuracy of the wall thickness are due not only to necessity of assuring the reliability and serviceability of equipment, but also to the trend towards the continuous decrease of metal capacity. In this situation assuring observing of the given parameter is the most difficult affair. The cross wall thickness deviation can be presented in the form of two components: eccentric and symmetric deviation. Wall-thickness eccentricity and symmetric cross wall thickness deviation are the main problems of deviation from the size of the wall thickness in the production of pipes. Eccentricity is caused mainly by abnormal conditions of the process in the states of cross-screw rolling. Symmetric discrepancy is conditioned by conditions of longitudinal rolling of pipes. The paper presents the study of the change in the proportion of the eccentric component of the transverse wall thickness deviation of the tubes during rolled on TRP-350 with the automatic mill. Analysis of research results allowed concluding that the highest percentage of eccentric wall thickness variation is found in pipes rolled in the piercing mill, after then the importance of this component is being reduced. 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Authors and Affiliations
В. П. Сокуренко, П. В. Дрожжа, К. М. Биковець
Физико-химическое моделирование получения в условиях самораспространяющегося высокотемпературного синтеза износостойких покрытий
Аналитическое исследование нагрева твердых тел радиацией. Сообщение3
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