Експериментальна методика формування професійної комунікативної компетентності студентів-філологів у процесі вивчення фонетики
Journal Title: Нова педагогічна думка - Year 2018, Vol 93, Issue 1
The article is devoted to the formation of the professional communicative competence of students-philologists in the process of studying phonetics and orphoepics of the Ukrainian language. Considered the conditions under which this process will be effective. The main focus is on working with texts of different styles, the construction of complex tasks that allow to perfect all the components of professional and communicative blocks of the integrative essence of professional communicative competence, to work on the interrelated formation of skills in receptive and productive forms of speech activity.
Authors and Affiliations
Тетяна Костолович
Електронні навчальні видання як засіб освітньої діяльності студентів
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