Filozoficzny i metodologiczny fundament koncepcji protofizyki Jana Czerniawskiego
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia - Year 2010, Vol 35, Issue 1
In the first part of the study the author defines basic theses of Jan Czerniawski’s protophysics, in the second he presents negative attitude towards his conception. Critical remarks, in author’s opinion, indicate that philosophical and methodological foundations of protophysics conceptions as formulated by Czerniawski are mistaken. Professor Jodkowski expresses hope for the rehabilitation of science, putting an argument that it broadens significantly the area of discussions and disputes concerning the main problems of ontology and philosophy of science.
Authors and Affiliations
Kazimierz Jodkowski
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