Физико-химическое моделирование получения в условиях самораспространяющегося высокотемпературного синтеза износостойких покрытий
Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1
PHYSICO-CHEMICAL MODELING OF PRODUCTION UNDER CONDITIONS SELF-PROPAGATING HIGH-TEMPERATURE SYNTHESIS WEAR-RESISTANT COATINGS Beigyl O.A., Sereda D.B. Abstract There are many methods for hardening the surface of steels, some of them are used in several versions. Surface saturation of steel with aluminum, chromium, zinc and other elements is called diffusion saturation with metals. The product, the surface of which is enriched with these elements, acquires valuable properties, including high heat resistance, corrosion resistance, increased wear resistance and hardness. In this regard, the actual application of technologies that allows to receive coatings with limited or minimal time of their formation. One of such technologies is the method of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. The development of IFOR as a research direction related to the synthesis of materials has supplemented the arsenal of combustion chemistry with new inorganic reactions, the range of which is continuously expanding. The main interest at the present time is represented by reactions in multicomponent systems conducted with the aim of obtaining complex single-phase compounds or heterogeneous materials with a given ratio of phase components. The application of protective layers was carried out in a pilot plant including the following functional systems: reaction equipment, gas supply system and a system for monitoring and regulating technological parameters. On the surface of samples made of boron-doped steel 50, the protective coating consists of phases (FeCr)23C6, (FeCr)7C3, (FeCrAl)2B, Fe2Al5 and α-solid solution of Cr, Al and B in Fe. A thin pearlitic layer is located under the layer. On steel 50, a layer consisting of a solid solution of chromium, aluminum and silicon in α-iron with inclusions of carbides is formed. Under the layer is located the decarburized zone. The coatings were applied to the details of the crank mechanism and the gas distributing mechanism of the GAZ-322132 and BOGDAN A092 (city) cars. The conducted studies show that the SHS technology for obtaining borized coatings allows obtaining high-quality protective coatings with limited time of their formation Toughness tests were carried out on a SMT-1 friction machine, the test time was 5 hours. Borized layers doped with chromium have a wear resistance of 1.8-2.1 times than uncoated samples. References [1] Merzhanov A.G. Processy goreniya i sintez materialov / Pod red. V.T. Telepy, A.V. Xachoyana. Chernogolovka: ISMAN, 1998. 512 s. [2] Merzhanov A.G., Yuxvid V.I., Borovinskaya I.P. Samorasprostranyayushhijsya vysokotemperaturnyj sintez lityx tugoplavkix neorganicheskix soedinenij. Dokl. AN SSSR, 1980, t.255, №1, s. 120–124 (in Russian). [3] Merzhanov A.G., Yukhvid V.I. The self-propagating high-temperature synthesis in the field centrifugal forces. In׃Proc. Of the First US-Japan. Workshop on Combust. Synth., Jan. 11–12, 1990. Tokyo׃ Nat. Res. Inst. Metals Publ., 1990, p. 1–21(in English). [4] Kogan Ya.D., Sereda B.P., Shtessel E.A. Vysokointensivnyj sposob polucheniya pokrytij v usloviyax SVS//Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov. – 1991. – №6. – s. 39–40(in Russian). [5] Sereda B.P., Skachkov V.O., Іvanov V.І., Usenko Yu.І. Xromuvannya stalej metodom gazotransportnix SVS-reakcіj //Metaloznavstvo ta obrobka metalіv. – 1999. – № 4. s. 25–27. [6] Sereda B.P., Kruglyak I.V. Modelirovanie processov xromirovaniya i silicirovaniya v usloviyax samorasprostranyayushhegosya vysokotemperaturnogo sinteza //Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov –2002, № 4–s.29–33(in Russian). [7] Sereda D.B. Poluchenie xromoalitirovannyx pokrytij na uglerodistyx materialax v usloviyax samorasprastranyayushhegosya vysokotemperaturnogo sinteza / Sereda B.P., Sereda D.B.., Belokon Yu.A., Kruglyak I.V. // Stroitelstvo, materialovedenie, mashinostroenie: Sb. nauch. trudov. Vyp. 80 – Dn-vsk.,GVUZ PGASA, 2015. – 380 s., S. 296–301(in Russian). [8] Sereda D.B. Povyshenie iznosostojkosti detalej gazoturbinnyx dvigatelej v usloviyax samorasprostranyayushhegosya vysokotemperaturnogo sinteza XIII mezhdunarodnaya nauchno texnicheskaya konferenciya „AVIA-2015”. – K.: NAU, 2015. – S. 1172–1175. [9] Sereda B., Sereda D. Advanced Chromoaluminizing Coatings for Wear and Heat-resistance on Composite Materials under SHS. Material science and technology- 2015.. Columbus, OH,USA. – 1821 p., P. 229–232. [10] Sereda B., Sereda D. Aluminized Multifunctional Coating on Steel in SHS Condition. Material science and technology –2014. Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania USA. 2224 p. P. 482–486. [11] Sereda B., Sereda D. Obtaining of Boride Coatings under SHS Conditions for Car Parts. Material science and technology- 2016. Salt Lake City, Utah USA 2016–1339 p. – P. 945–948.
Authors and Affiliations
О. А. Бейгул, Д. Б. Середа
Моделирование получения жаростойких защитных покрытий в условиях самораспространяющегося высокотемпературного синтеза
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