Flow-diverters in endovascular treatment of unruptured brain aneurysm
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2015, Vol 28, Issue 2
Endovascular techniques of brain aneurysms treatment developed significantly during past decades. The traditional coiling approach was extended by use of stents or occlusion balloons. A new treatment philosophy was also introduced, which consists on blood flow redirection away from aneurysm sac. For this purpose, the flow-diverter devices were created. These devices have the structure similar to stents, with exception of high metal-covered area values. Flow-diverters are designed to be deployed at the level of aneurysm origin with necessary margins. First indication for flow-diverter use was giant, broad-based or fusiform aneurysm treatment. Initially they were reserved for patients considered to be difficult for coiling or neurosurgical approach. Encouraging initial experiences resulted with more extended use of flow-diverters which allowed to gather more clinical evidence of their efficacy and safety in brain aneurysm treatment. New generations of flow-diverters are created, as well as new randomized trials are conducted, to optimize clinical outcomes. The patient’s qualification, contraindications, follow-up and anticoagulation treatment remain the actual research topics for the flow-diverter use.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Roman, Maciej Szajner, Krzysztof Pyra, Łukasz Światłowski, Klaudia Karska, Anna Sojka, Małgorzata Szczerbo-Trojanowska
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